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Forth was stunted with beams words and he hit beam .stop what you are saying and I won't listen to you.

Listen to me beam there is no forth without beam.better don't leave  me are else I follow  you wherever  you go if its hell or heaven.

Forth was so angry after listening to forth beam felt very happy and tears  drop from his eyes.then the ambulance  came and taken beam to hospital.

Forth kit phana all are waiting  for the doctor. Beam is been to operation theater  for 3 hours.yhere is no sigh of doctor coming  from theater.

Àfter seeing forths condition ohana and beam went to forth and held him.

Then forths friends also came.they are shocked after listening to what happen.

After 4 hours doctor came out and said every thing is fine but it takes some time to come to conscious. He was shifted to ward.

Forth never left beams hand.he sits beside the bed holding g beams palm.

After a day beam open his eyes.he tries to sink where he was.then he felt some thing on his hand and looks forth.
He is sleeping while holding beams hand .he smiled.the moment in beam wakes forth up.
He was veŕy happy.without taking breath he is saying so many things while beam looks at him with a wide smile.not a single word forth says are sinking  in his mind he sees only forth.the happy one.the cheerful one.the loved one.

He tried to get up forth help him suddenly he hugged forth tightly and saying  I love you forth

First forth was surprised then he hugs beam back.he hugs tightly  and relates the same  I love you beam.alot thanks for coming back to me.

Then they hear the caugh sounds and leave each other.there was phana and kit run to beam and hug him.

Even forth friends do the same.

Every one was happy for beam and forth.

It takes 1 month to recover for beam.all this time forth is the one besides him

Beams mom came to hospital after she heard the news.she was very shocked after hearing all this.

First she did not say anything nor she approved their ralationsgip.

After a month observing them in hospital she was sure te forth will take care of beam.she sees how forth is happy when beam talks, how he is sad when he is in pain ,how he cries silently and woŕied when something happen.he even consoles  her so many times.he is so confident thT nothing will happen to beam.

All this makes me smelt to accept  their relationship.

I give my blessings to them but said th marriage will be after the graduation.

They accept happily.

Beam  was discharged from hospital and after where 2 months of rest they both returned to college.

Everyone was happy for them.

thats it for this part

thanks megha

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