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beams pov:

so may i know why ur doing all this.

don't you know why?forth say ,

well i want to hear from your mouth beam says

forth:since i am caught,i will tell 

i love you beam

beam:its not like ,its love ha

forth:yes,i love you and i want to marry you

beam:oh..... oh...... oh......

give me a second,you should know my opinion first.

whether i have feelings for you or not?

forth:i know u like me and i am sure you will love me soon.

beam:ha  you are so confident.

forth:yes,give me a chance,

beam:forth,i will tell you  sincerely i am straight.if you want we can be friends.

forth:suddenly forth leans so close to beam and there is an inch distance between their lips.

beam:with the sudden action of forth,i was really surprise.

seeing him that close my heart starts beating heavily like the first time when i see him.

my eyes meet forths ,there are sincere,and i can see a lust also and my eyes travel from his eyes to his lips.his pink lips are so heart says move an inch forward and claim his lips.

forth:now tell me.

beam:with forth words i came from dreamland and moved away from forth,forth grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him,this time i am in in forths hands.he placed his hands on my waist .

forth: i know what is going on your mind,just 2 weeks,give me two weeks of your life,after 2 weeks if you don't feel anything about me then i will leave.

beam:oh god what is this feeling.what is going on with me.i never feel anything like this,

my heart says go on,give him two weeks and my brain opposite

this time my heart wins and i tell forth  ok,just two weeks.he smiles and my heart skips a beat.and he just kissed my forehead.i got an electric shock.and without thinking i closed my eyes and there is smile on my lips.

this time i'm not thinking anything i am just feeling it.i never felt anything like this in my entire life.

forth:well if you want, i can hug you all the day

beam:after what forth says i realize that i am still in forth hug,i immediately moved away from him,he is smiling again.god i can't take this anymore

forth: i will pick you at 7 in the morning ,uor class will start at 9 right.

beam: how do you know that?i clicked my tongue after i said that,my inner self tells me hey beam  how could he not know that,literally he knows everything about you.

forth:i smiled and tell him i will pick him at 7 again 

we both smiled .

=========that's it for this part,

their love journey will begin from next part,let's see what forth does to win beams heart and if beam fall for forth love

since this is my first fanfic,your suggestions will help me alot in writing,

feel free to comment,vote and star

thanks in advance,


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