yang is back

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Pha pov:

After finn went out I see forth rushing from the stairs.

I rush to forth "where are you going forth."

To get beam back.

I looked at him with question mark face.

I heard what finn said early.

I stopped forth.

First let me check whether finn if right or wrong.

If you rush it we cant meet beam he will run away from their also.you know how beam is.

Forth stopped his steps.

I called chairman,he is my fathers friend.
I requested him sinsiorly then he led the information.

J said thanks and cut the call.forth see me as what it is

Its wrong information forth,beam is not the one who went to states.its one of his relatives that's why he kept the information secrete.if that's get out he will hav bad name.

Forth lost all his strength and collapsed on the sofa.

"Where are you beam" forth was crying.

Kit came to us with some papers

Forth look at me.
"T!hese are beam call records lets see we will get some thing." I explained him

When both pha and kit check all the numbers only 2 numbers are not recognised.

Forth did you recognise these 2 no's

Forth look at them but node like "I dont know."

Beam called these 2 no's often.

Let me call my friend in tele department .
Kit call his friends and asked information about those 2 no's

After 15 mins kits friend called.

After the conversation with his friend kit thanked him and cut the call.

Forth and pha see kit with curiosity.

Kit sighed.

Those 2 no are park and yangs.

What ?  both forth and pha shouted.

After some time when everyone was relax forth try to call park but pha stop him.

Why pha, forth questioned.

park is your friend but still he help beam without your knowing.if you ask park then beam will know it instantly.pha explained

Then what should you do.

Let me make a call.pha call his dad he is the president.

Dad ,are you busy?
No pha, how are you?
I am fine dad, I need a help from you .
Just say it my son

He said every thigh about beam.
Dad right now I want to know where park ,yang and beam are.

Give me 5 mins.
Phacut the call.

Forth and kit relaxes because if its pha dad involves then the riddle is solved.

After 5 mins pha dad called


pha,yang has new case.

he willbe undercover in 2 days,

park and lam are his assistance .now they are working on special case.

in 2 days everyone will go undercover and it is immpossible to locate them until the case is over.

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