who is yang?

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yang:  Beam listen carefully and digest what I am saying.
Don't get panic and listen don't disturb me while I am telling ok
Beam nods

Every one sits on sofa and yang is explaining everything.

Beam forth is the son of mafia don
beam: What?

yang:  yes beam

Forths father is mafia don .he is a very cold person.  And kills every one even if he was irritated a bit.

But he loves forth very much.
Until forth was 17 he did not know what his father does.

When he knows about he cut ties with him.
But forths dad is not a person  to leave that easily.
He is trying to convince forth to come back to him.
He is doing all the things.

To make him come back.

Forth wants to join university and live happily  without tension but that day his father insists him to join his gang and lead the mafia after him

Forth refuse it his father threat him using his mother.forth has no choice he was very sad .that day he went to university to see the last time.

There he saw you.he fell in love with you at first sight.
He followed you and get information about you.

He decided he will court you u till he will make you his own.

He went straight to his mother and told every thing about how father threaten him. And about you also.

His mother is more dangerous than his father but she chose not to go his father way.

Forths father know that forth will never tell about his threat.but he was wrong if he he didn't fall for you then may be he didn't tell his mother anything and follow his father.

But you made him brave beam.for you he goes against his father.

Forth don't know what his mother did but his father allow him to join university .

Then he enquire why forth insist to join in university.he knows about you .

He made a plan.but he has to wait and see whether you accept him or not.

The day you accepted forth he decide to kill you.
He knows how mad is forth about you.if he lost you then he collapse and become cold and he will join his dad.
That's his plan but what he don't know is if anything happen to you then forth will die.

His mother knows about it.after he threaten forth his Mother always keeps an eye what his father is doing.
When she knows about his plan she was shocked.and decided to save you without forths knowing.if forth knows that his father is trying to kill you the he will definitely  kill his father and I can tell all the mafia will face 360 degrees  upside down.

Mad and angry forth is very dangerous.

That's why to save  every one his mom called me.

I am special secrets agent SSA.no one knows about me.she approach me.that time I was deàling with one of the mafia case.

I was not ready to save mafia don or his son but when I listen you story I decide to help and   save you

Then i  join university and trying to save you.
Following you every where.it is  not possible so I stalled trackers, hack your phone but don't be mad i even installed cameras also.

All this is for your safety.

Mafia is not a small thing we don't know when ,where ,who will attack you that's why i followed you like crazy but you n forth misunderstood me.

Yang stop saying  and looked at beam and others.
They all in a process to digest what I have been saying.

Beam :I cant believe what you say.its not getting into my mind.at all.

Yang :its not the first time you are attacked right
Beam: yes.i sense some one is trying to harm me.but I didn't except they want to kill me.

Forth knows anything about it.i know it's a silly question.

I already told you he know nothing if he hav a slight Information I can definitely tell he will kill his father.

The then he is not in a position to talk anything first I have to talk to forth about it.
But all this time he tried to kill you makes everyone thinks that it's an accident

beam:if he want to show that my death is an accident,why he attacked me directly today

yang:well i don't know about it,there is something i have been missing,i will make call and enquires about what happen today.

ok fine then how you know park and lam,they are forths friends

yang:they are my co workers and forths cousins.

forths mom approach me because of these two only.

forth didn't know these two are special agents,i appointed them for froths safety.i came to save you.

forths safety.that means forth is in danger,

yang:unfortunately yes beam not only your life is in danger but forths also

what do you mean forths father is trying to kill forth his own son

yang: no beam,not his father,but the other rivals who want to take mafia after forths father,in order to do that he should kill forth because his father chose forth to be the next mafia leader,

then we need to save forth he went to his father come on lets go

no beam he is safe with is father now,but you are not.wait until i figure about has happen.

pha kit help him,you have to calm him,make him sleep

ok yang

all the three friends are not in their right minds but pha is matured enough to sink in the situation,he clams beams and make him sleep.

beam is very exhausted about what has happen,so fall asleep.

yang called forths mother,

what?ok i will.we will meet 


that's it for this part

thanks megha

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