Chapter 7

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I was bored and so I got up to do some work. The next couple days I helped Mitch in the greenhouse and hunting. I helped ruby take care of the kids who got hurt and I occasionally snuck by the piano room to listen to louis, for just a minute. It was my calm couple seconds before reality hit and I had to get back to work.
We were making Ericson home again, by taking old worn down stuff and making it new, wether that's for machine parts, or timber or whatever, we were getting it back on track. I had started lookout which was a little nervewracking for me. Every time I looked out it reminded me of the first day I got here. How Marlon was instantly cold and the first person who ever showed decency toward me was Ruby. She was a fireball, witty, strong willed, but somehow she made everyone feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
I walked around the halls, sweeping like always, when I bumped into someone. I looked up and it was marlon.
"Watch where you're going." He scoffed and walked away. I mocked him silently and kept sweeping.
There was just something the bugged me so much about him! He's such a... such a... idiot!! I finished sweeping and was told that I was supposed to have training. I walked to the courtyard and was met with violet. She was an odd one for sure. I couldn't tell if I was cool with her or not yet.
"Okay so have you ever shot a bow before?"
"Once or twice." I said.
"Okay so why don't you give me a practice shot so I can see how you're doing."
I loaded the bow and aimed for the target, I steadied my breath and shot. I hit the target straight on.
"Okay well obviously a still target is too easy so we will move on to a moving target."
She walked me over to a sack that was tied to a tiny track. She hit the sack and it moved back and forth. I aimed just a little in front of the sack and it came clean into contact with my arrow.
"Wow you're good. Are you sure you've only done this a couple times?"
I nodded in reassurance and she scoffed.
"You're just good at everything aren't you?" She laughed.
I shrugged and gave the bow back to her.
She shook her head as I walked off and into the school.
I came across Louis who was headed toward his room.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be at practice?"
"I was, but violet said I didn't need it because I was already good."
"Wow, can't teach you anything can we?"
"Guess not." I smiled.
"Well I gotta meet up with Marlon in his office. Private meeting." He said clicking his tongue.
"Don't get too crazy in there!" I joked.
"Ew gross y/n." I laughed and walked back to my room. I sat on my bed and chucked still thinking of the face he made after my joke.
"He's one hell of a kid." I said sighing and still holding a smile.
Maybe we will survive this.

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