Ch6. Literature and Dance

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It had been a while since Jisoo left the room to take the untimely call, but Jennie's heart was still nowhere near steady.

Should I be thankful that the call came in right in the middle of... whatever was about to happen?

It was getting harder to breathe.

Gosh, was I really about to kiss Jisoo??

Jennie was struggling to make sense of her actions. She had always been rational, level-headed, clear on the right and wrong. It was like she could separate her left brain from her right, her logic from her emotions. Constantly in control of her feelings, Jennie definitely was not used to (almost) succumbing to the impulse of kissing someone she had just met the day before.

There was something about Jisoo that drew her in like iron to magnet. The only difference was that it could not be explained by Physics, not to Jennie at least. It made Jennie want to play with fire, to flirt and to dance. For someone as risk-averse as her, that was the equivalent of losing her mind. Or, losing the left part of her brain, the logical one.

When Jisoo returned to her seat next to Jennie, the class had started and the lecturer was animatedly gushing about The Great Gatsby. As usual, Jennie kept her eyes ahead, alternating between the lecturer, the slides projected on the screen, and her trusty notebook.

At one point, there were muffled noises in the class followed by many hands being risen in the air. The lecturer had asked if anyone had read the classic story before. Jennie had her hand in the air as she glanced once around the room. Naturally, more than eighty percent of the population had, because they were first and foremost in a Literature elective class and that said a lot, and secondly the book had been highly popularized by the movie adaptation. Hence, she was not surprised Jisoo had her hand up too.

"Now who cares to share their favourite quotes from the book, or the movie if you prefer? It doesn't need to be exactly word for word. Oh, and do explain why you chose that quote too." The lecturer's energy clearly surged at the number of risen hands at this question as well.

Some unknown male voice, "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. I love this quote, because it has the romantic quality of a relentless pursuit." To which the lecturer smiled happily.

Another unknown voice, female this time, "He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man. What can I say? It's every girl's dream." This certainly earned loud swoons from the class and the lecturer was literally beaming with pride at how engaged her students were.

"I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity. While emotions overwhelm us, we should let logic keep us in check to ascertain if whatever we feel is love or otherwise," Jennie spoke up like the voice of reason, and the lecturer nodded exaggeratedly with a thumbs-up in the air.

A few more quotes were thrown out, before Jisoo answered too with her wayward smirk, "It takes two to make an accident. Enough said." The class roared with laughter and a few hoots and cat-whistles sprinkled in. Even the lecturer laughed heartily along and wagged a playful finger at Jisoo.

Jisoo turned to look at Jennie who had a hand covering her open mouth chuckling away. She wiggled her eyebrows at Jennie and to her surprise, Jennie extended her free hand to shove her in the arm in response.

As the laughter died down and the lecturer went on to cover the themes present in the story, Jisoo watched Jennie's eyes form crescents and crinkle at the ends as her laughter mellowed into a smile at no one in particular. A little of Jennie's hair had been thrown forward on to her face from rocking too much in the laughter, and Jisoo never thought a little mess could look this good. What looked even better was Jennie habitually flipping her hair from her left and over her head to her right, granting Jisoo a clear view of her side profile, complete with fluffy cheeks and the milky expanse of her neck.

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