I feel so lost looking around me. I have never been a part of a fair like I am now. I know this is just the announcement of the artists that will be a part of the real book fair at the end of summer, but I feel immensely proud.

We are staying at The Balmoral in Edinburgh and the whole event happens in this immense and majestic grand hall. The hotel is sublime, but more than that, the room is very detailed. In the middle there's a stage with about a hundred seats divided in several lines. Many publishing houses have organised their space in small rooms with movable walls which are used to advertise authors and the company publishing them. It's a more intimate experience that way. I like it.

I wish Marcel could have been here with me today. After what happened last night, I have realised how I had expectations of Ash. He was always making me so happy, he was always a good time so I must have always expected him to be. It makes me miss Marcel... Even though I love my brother, I would much rather be in Edinburgh with my boyfriend/editor.

I still can't believe I'm here!

I will be introduced to the board in charge of this event. Edith is supposed to show me the final look at the three-chapter version of the book. I'm so excited. I haven't seen it yet. After our fight on Tuesday morning, I haven't been back at the office, so I told Marcel to handle all the final details and do the executives decisions for me...

I meet Paul at the Wright Books kiosque. He greets me with a smile that charms me. He doesn't seem as bad everyone says he is. He is being very professional. He very kindly carries all of my boxes to my display. He explains to me that I'll meet with the organisers of the book fair and various other journalists. He says it will be good for the marketing side of things. He coaches me quickly on questions that we'll be asked so that I mentally prepare for them and leave a great impression. He also reminds me to hand out a copy of my three first chapters to everyone, more importantly to journalists so they can write great reviews about it.

The second he leaves me to go see Edith, I open the first box of three. Shivers run through me the second I see my name written on the cover. The book is fairly thin, but incredibly beautiful. Marcel had chosen his favourite cover, the design is really beautiful. It's mysterious and dark in a Fifty Shades of Grey style. It has a pearl necklace on the cover with beautiful shadowed infinity designs shaped with the shadows of the pearls. It hits me how real this is.

I need to take a second to compose myself. It has been so much work to come to this point, but a fun ride it was. I can't believe it's nearly over. Soon, I won't have to work with Marcel as often. It saddens me, but I feel immensely proud. But more than that, it gives me an idea.

I take all the books out of the boxes and put them on my display. I keep one copy for myself, one for Marcel and one last for Edith. I take a seat at my stand to make myself more comfortable. I take a Sharpie out of my purse and write a little something in Edith's copy.

"To new beginnings, to a better relationship & to great success. Genuinely, Grace -xx-"

I look up to see if she's still where I had last seen her, with Paul. She's now talking to two other person. They look very professional and I see their name tag around their neck that informs me they are the organisers of this event. I hesitate to interrupt, but the second the organisers leave, I take advantage of the situation.

"Oh Grace, I've been wanting to see you." Edith immediately sees me and says, Paul eyeing us a second until Edith gives him a look and he leaves us alone. "How have you settled in?"

FALLEN (NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now