Chapter 12:Lets Get Married

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Michael's POV
As we walked into the house I ran to my office picking up the phone dialing my brothers number
"Junior! Junior I did it!"
He laughed "Hello to you too brother and what did you do?"
"The ring"
"What did you do to it you dimwit! Do you know how long it took us to find it even with syrup in my hair I helped you"
I laughed
"I know I know I didn't do anything to it
It's on her finger where it should be"
"Ohhhh congratulations Michael"
"Thank you"
"So when is the wedding?"
"That's the thing she won't tell me"

Junior's POV
She won't tell him when she wants to get married hmmm
"Did she say why she won't say"
Hopefully she doesn't have another guy seeing how he's crazy about her it'll break his heart
"No she just said I'll see"
What is she gonna show him...?
"Well when you figure out when the wedding is let me know"

Michael's POV
"I will"
I heard foot steps approaching my office
"Who's that babe?"
"Oh it's just my brother"
She walked up to me took the phone right out of my hand
"Hi Junior it's nice to meet you I'm Diana"
I over heard my brother laugh as he does with almost every woman he's met
"Hi Diana it's nice to meet you too I've heard
a lot of things about you"
Okay that's enough you guys give me the phone back is what I was thinking as they continued to talk I didn't want him to bring up my childhood or worse my ex's

Diana's POV
I don't know why Michael fussed about his brother he doesn't seem that bad
"Well it was lovely to speak to you Junior hopefully we'll meet soon" before I was going to end the call he said
"Hopefully before the wedding"
I quickly looked at Michael then hung up the phone
"So Mr.Jackson you should go get dressed and let's go get married"

Michael's POV
She's pulling a me on me
She sure is
Who asked you!?
Nobody but I'm just telling you she is
Exactly and I know so shut up
As I was getting dressed I walked to my sons room and got him dressed putting the wedding ring in his little pocket
I bet she won't see this coming and if she does
then damn she's good
As I walked downstairs she took me by my hand rushed me to the car with Josiah and off to the beach we went
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see"
"Do you have a minister already?"
"You'll see"
All I'm seeing is the damn road I said to myself tapping my fingers against the door
"Are we there yet"

Bill's POV
"I'm not allowed to say Mike"
She's good real good but his brother wont be so happy about this private ceremony
"Bill just tell me" he said irritated I laughed looking at him through the mirror
"I can't tell you Michael but I can tell you were parking"

Diana's POV
"Are we there yet" I said mocking him then he laughed and playfully pushed me
"Yes we're here and you may get out of the car just watch your step"
We walked on the beach until we finally got to the destination

Michael's POV
The beach? Interesting
"It's beautiful"
"I know she said"
I put my son down holding his hands walking to the aisle with him smiling as he took each step slowly
"Don't worry Applehead daddy's right here I won't let you fall"
He smiled trying to walk to Diana I followed behind him holding his hand holding him up standing by the minister I laughed nervously looking around then back at Diana as the Minister spoke all I could do was look at her and smile I didn't hear a word her was saying but I said I do

Diana's POV
I laughed looking at him just stare at me I knew he wasn't listening to the minister but yet he said I Do with the biggest smile on his face

Michael's POV
As the minister said
"Is there anyone that thinks these two should not be together speak now or forever hold your peace" I looked at Bill and he started laughing

"Do you both have any vows you would like to share?"

YES I DOOOO I thought right before I took my breathe trying to remember what I wrote down I cleared my throat
"Diane Ernestine Ross From the first time we spoke my heart really wasn't awoke it was lost in past memories and pain of another and then you came and made that pain disappear you made me feel and see no fear , as I started tearing up I was determined to finished this without having tears stream down my face
And then you made my son feel like he was your own from that moment you held him and smiled I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, no one has cared for me this much no one has ever loved me this much and I wanna treat you like the queen you are forever"

Diana's POV
Vows! Vows! Damn his vows were good
As I teared up I put my hand on his cheeks
"Shut up Bill" Michael said trying not to laugh I giggled then took a deep breathe

"Oh honey the moment I saw you,I fell in love with you. When my days were low , you made it sunny and bright. When I first met you, I knew you would be the one for me.Michael , without you by my side I'm nothing.
You are my everything."

"I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss your bride"

Michael's POV
Oh she was trying to make me cry if she was it was working a tear fell down my cheek then I took the ring out of my sons little pocket handing it to him
"Put it on mommy's finger"
He try to put it on her middle finger I laughed
"No not the one the one next to it"
As he put it on her finger I smiled then laughed
"We love you"
She smiled then fixed the ring
"I love you both so much"

Congratulations Mr&Mrs.Jackson

I liked the sound of that

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