Chapter 40:She's Mine

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Michael's POV
Nothing I did could make my brother leave me alone about Diana the more I smiled when her name cane up the more obvious it became to how much I wish she was mine

"So what was so important Junior"

"I thought you would've of been the one telling me but what I've been seeing is that Diana and her husband Marvin are having trouble in there relationship"

"Where did you hear that from?"

"Word gets around fast bro"

"Hmm that's interesting"

"She hasn't told you?"

"No I mean I've heard about it and mentioned it to her and advised her to stay with him , was that dumb?"

"Yes, don't you want her?"

"I do but I don't want her husband getting in my way ... the last thing I want is to make it seem like I ruined her marriage to him"

"But your not because she's already thinking about leaving him Michael"

"I know that Junior but I want to be able to make her my wife again I don't want to just date her"

"Your wife?!"

I've always seen her as my wife so I don't know why he's so surprised about me saying that ... maybe it's because we haven't always seen eye to eye recently but she's always meant everything to me

"Yes my wife .. I want her back I want my wife back I want our family ... I miss her Junior"

"But did you tell her"


"Then what's wrong?"

"I just I don't know if she's ready for what I'm ready for"

Junior's POV
Diana this Diana that he hasn't stopped talking about her since she left him , but yet nooo I don't wanna break up Diana's marriage when he knows he could care less

"Did you ask her?!"

"No I'm afraid too, I don't wanna rush things"

"How can you rush things with your ex wife?"

"Well seeing how we haven't been together in months asking her right off the back to marry me"

"Well maybe she wants to , you won't know until you ask her"

"Yea I know but I'm kind of scared she'll say no"

"Well you won't know until you ask her"

"I gotta ask her to be mine first Junior"

"Well ask her then Mike"

"I'm going to right after I can get her alone without worrying her husband might come and talk to me I'm not afraid of him I just don't want him to get upset at her for talking to me , I don't even know the guy Junior"

"Which is even more of a reason why you should talk to her now Michael"

"Okay hold on I'll call her"

Michael's POV
As I dialed her number it was time for me to face this fear but as the phone rang my anticipation and fear grew, what if I rushed her into this and then later on she'd blame me for it I don't wanna make her unhappy...

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