Chapter 46: Im Sorry

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Michaels POV
The things I heard come out of her mouth as the tears began to slowly fall down her cheeks, I wiped the first one all I could think of was I'm sorry , I'm sorry I didn't love you the way I should have ... I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you my heart felt like it shattered into in a million pieces but I refused to let her see it so as soon as she laid her head down up against me and fell asleep ,for the first time I didn't want a drink I wanted to fight I wanted to hurt the man who decided to lay his hands on my woman, I laughed at myself knowing she wasn't my woman then but in my heart & deep down in my soul she was my woman and there was no way I could've denied it but how was I gonna compress these feelings so they didn't continue to grow and grown towards my hatred for this man I couldn't stop replaying the words she said the tears starting falling down my face the more tears the grew in my eyes the more frustrated I got , so I got out of bed leaving her head up against my pillow walking into the bathroom basically ready to yell and god and curse this man's name but at the damn time my woman was sleeping in the room so I turned on the shower and cried , I cried so hard my frustration grew making me slap hard down onto the bathroom wall. I hope I didn't wake her up.

Diana's POV
As I woke up from my deep sleep and rubbed my puffy eyes I wondered where that loud bang had came from then I heard the shower on
"What the hell is this man doing in there"
As I approached the door I heard sniffling

"Are you okay baby?"

"Ye-a babe im fine I'll be out in a minute"

Michael's POV
I was far from fine .. all of these things running through my mind would most definitely drive me into insanity if I didn't express to her how I felt but I also hated to see that pain in her eyes so I couldn't fathom bringing it up again

"Alright im gonna lay back down babe just come back to bed when you finish okay?"

"Yea baby I'll be right there"

After I finished crying my eyes out I pushed my pride to the side and my fears , one step out of that bathroom door and her wondering eyes looking at me enchanted me in that moment. Every time I looked into her eyes I always seem to see the love and sometimes even the pain but her love her love was so strong that even a blind man could see it

"You alright Michael? You seem worried"

"Yea I'm okay babe , how are you feeling?"

"A little better"

As I pulled her in close and gently pressed my lips against her forehead , her sweet embrace stole my train of thought on the madness and calmed my frustration and sadness

"Well baby, I- I might have not been there before but I promise I'll be here for you now , I won't go anywhere no matter what this time whatever problems we have we can over come it , I wish I could have been a better man to you when you needed me to be but I promise from now on I will never let anything like that every to happen to you again"

I cursed at myself for ever being cruel to her even after the pain I embraced , she deserved to be happy and who am I to say whom that is with I just thought it would always be I never thought someone could've took her away but at the same time she always thought it was some competition with Whitney and I can under stand in some way I did make them both hurt , enough of the past my conscious told me , forcing me to close my tired eyes I fell into a deep sleep with her arms wrapped around mine , and still in my sleep I kept thinking
If only she could see through my eyes then she would see how much of an amazing woman she is

Diana's POV
If this man doesn't stay still for one minute he's almost on top of my whole body he's gonna end up crushing me


I try to move him but he wouldn't budge at all


Still this man is sleeping, he could sleep through a tornado and wake up confused as of why the house and everything in it is wrecked

"Michael move over"

I should've said Michael move instead of move over because right after I said move over , that's exactly what he did he moved right on top of me still in a deep sleep , I wonder what the hell he's dreaming of , this man tends to have the most peculiar dreams

"Michael.... baby move over a little"

Finally! He moved over and let me breathe sometimes I was annoyed by his non stop attachment to me but other times it was sweet , even if he was a big baby , he was my big baby and I didn't mind him showing his affection and care except for when he decides to pick me up and throw me into the pool I'll never understand nor will I get his methods but I do know that deep down inside he can't help that part of him is still child so I go along with his child like games and entertain his behavior even though sometimes I'm not really in the mood too I like seeing that smile on his face

Michael's POV
Poke after poke after poke what if this woman doing poking me in between my rest doesn't she know I need all the hours I can get. Working on this album would somewhat explain my love for her with remember the time , I mumbled under my breathe sleepy

"Now let me sleep woman"

She laughed and then pressed her lips up against my cheek holding me tighter and closer to her this time , I love you more

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