Chapter44:Little Michael

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Michael's POV
She's pregnant! I ran into the bathroom I really had to pee but I wasn't expecting to see a positive pregnancy test , that sent me sky high I forgot I even had to pee from looking at the blue check. I had a good feeling this time it was gonna be a boy a little version of me


"Hold on babe I'm just using the bathroom real quick"

"Well since your in there you already seen my pregnancy test. Can you tell me what it says?"

It says this is my baby boy it says Michael you've finally got your mini me after 3 wonderful beautiful baby girls I was going to finally have my mini me

"It's positive babe"


I know she heard me she just wanted me to say it again

"It's positive babe. Your pregnant"

Right before I washed my hands I put the test in my pocket then started singing as I washed my hands

Your daddy's home to stay. It wasn't on a Sunday , Monday and Tuesday went by it wasn't on a Tuesday afternoon all I could do was cry but I made a promise that you treasured. I make it back home to you, how I've waited for this moment to be by your side

As I opened the door smiling my wife walked pass me walking into the bathroom looking for the test and right at that moment I ran downstairs jumping over the couch running out of the door running to Bubbles house

"What is he up to now"

Diana's POV
He was more excited then I was. Did he know something I didn't know? I bet he thinks it's a boy. as I looked down at my stomach and laughed

"Well are you a boy or a girl?"

It was way too soon to know but just seeing him excited and happy about it made me smile. My family was finally back together and growing

Michael's POV
"Bubbles! BUBBLES!"

He looked at me confused jumping from the couch to the floor and signed what I spoke to him back telling him about the baby he smiled and hugged my leg. Bubbles was my first child in my eyes I had him since he was a baby chimp and he understood me better then anyone else

"And guess what bubbles"

He looked at me tapping the side of his head trying to guess of what I was going to say next

"I think it's a boy"

He clapped smiling

"Yea I really do think it's a boy this time Bubbles I just have this great feeling about him ... but what really sucks is that I'm going to be starting a few performances to promote my album"

Bubbles smiled at me and so did my daughters through the window, they loved to sneak up on me. Especially if I was around Bubbles.

4 months later

"We get to see what the sex is today right?"

"Yes babe"


"Why are you so excited? Is there something the baby is telling you that he or she isn't telling me?"

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