Chapter 42: She Said YES

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Michael's POV
As she took me in and held me close to her chest just hearing her heart beat brought me peace ,we've had something more much more then just a sexual relationship, we had this unexplainable connection. Just a look she gave me told me she understood me and she's never once judged me , I just miss holding her god just taking in her soft flower like smell that laid upon her body took me to a paradise , in my dreams she would tell me she's always loved me and she's missed me too only this time it's not a dream she actually loves me she's holding me and she's kissed me , her boyfriend is not something I intend on being or just some love affair. No Ms.Diana Ross I'm going to make you my wife. As she went to pull me in close and press her lips against mine I gently picked her up holding her legs tightly they were so smooth yet so beautiful to look at as well


"Yes Michael?"

"I- I don't wanna be your boyfriend"

"Who said you were" as she giggled I laughed nervously

"What I mean is" as I put her down slowly and got on my knee my doubts had left my mind as I took her hand in mine

"What are you doing?"

"Diana Ernestine Ross will you do me the honor of being my wife again"


Is she really thinking about it!
I told you to go with the beach proposal but no a non fancy traditional proposal is what you decided
Well I didn't think she say hmm
She just did , what do you do now?
Just wait just wait your making me nervous.
As I got my conscious to let me be for a moment I rubbed her hand anticipated for her answer my every second that went by I swallowed hard not believing it had already been a minute it felt like hours waiting to hear her say anything

"Yes Michael of course I'll marry you!"
She said excitedly

"Thank you god"

My anticipation had me so scared and there was also my doubts but she made them go away all with one answer
I knew she would
No you didn't! You had me even more nervous then I should have been
Well that's my job
I ignored my obnoxious conscious as I slowly placed the ring on her finger , I lifted her up off of her feet squeezing her gently pulling her slowly close to my face slowly pressing my lips up against hers , any doubt I ever had disappeared in that moment I knew she never stopped loving me no matter how many times she's denied it the way her body reacts with mine and the way her smile comes across her face I knew I had to be on her mind sometimes like she was on mind

"So when's the wedding" my brother Junior said as he stepped into the room

"Soon I promise you that"

"You two gonna get a room so I don't have to see this?"

"See what? Oh you mean this"
I laughed up against your lips kissing her lips gently repeatedly just to see my brothers reaction

"Oh come on now , you kids go get a room"

"This is my- I mean our house and we have all the rooms in here"

"Ew Michael that's too much information I didn't wanna know all of that"

I laughed looking at my brother carrying around my future wife
"Now we all know I can do worse"

"Please don't , I just finished eating a banana I don't want it to come back up"

Junior's POV
Finally I was waiting for these 2 to make up its been months of hell back and forth between my brother and his ex wife , he would come to me late at night and cry and whine about he missed Diana and how these other woman just didn't fix the problem he was having , yet he was having babies left and right I didn't take him serious when he would talk about Diana but I did run and go tell Diana every word he would say just to see it it would help him hurt less but it just ended up with them starting to flirt with each other to Michael dating someone else trying to deny his feelings he had that he still held on for Diana , I always told him just tell Diana how you feel

"You okay Junior?

"Yea I'm okay just get a room please me and Banana and Bubbles don't wanna see all of this"

It took him forever but at least he was finally happy I hated to see him unhappy because then it would take away from the run we would have and weight on our brother relationship & friendship

"You might wanna leave then"

"You don't gotta tell me twice"

As I walked out of the house I laughed walking to bubbles house already knowing my brother he's about to make another baby

Diana's POV
Did I say yes? I said yes?
Of course I said yes because even when I did feel like I hated this man I still loved him ... I wonder how he'll react if he knew I called out his name while having sex with Marvin but I'll save that for another time , that look that he's giving me right now I already know what that look means

It's A Love Hate Thing Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon