Chapter 16:Princess Katherine Ernestine Jackson

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Michael's POV
It's been awhile since the whole Whitney situation abut a month or two actually.
Everything seem calm my son was fast asleep and my wife was comforting me as she usually did
"I have something I wanna show you" she said I was worried at that moment because of the run in with Whitney I thought for sure she wanted to kill me but she didn't, she handed me a picture and as I flipped it over slowly it was a baby ultrasound picture
"Your not messing with me right?"
"Of course not baby that's our baby"
"How did you hide this from me"
"Well I wanted to wait because there's a period where you still can loose a baby..."

Diana's POV
I watched as his face lit up holding the ultrasound all I could do is smile at his reaction
"What is it , do we know what it is yet" he said excitedly
"Yes babe it's a girl"
"A GIRL!?" I laughed
"Yes babe a girl"
"What we should we name her"
What should we name her I was still thinking about that how was I supposed to know

Michael's POV
"I have a name just tell me if you like it okay"
"Okay..." she said giggling
"How does Princess Katherine Michael Joseph Jackson sound?" I looked at her biting my lip
"Sure just take Joseph off" she said
"Why that's my middle name"
"Well I wanted to add Ernestine In there"
"Aww okay babe I guess that's fair"
I looked at her picture then at my wife's stomach
"Princess Katherine Ernestine Jackson"
I like it it's not too long it's not too short
I wonder if she looks like me yet?
I wonder if f she's has her poofy hair
I bent close next to wife's stomach and started talking to her "Hi Princess I'm your daddy my name is Michael but I'd like for you to call me daddy" my wife laughed at smiles watching me talk to the little baby bump
"I don't think you know just how special you are yet but as soon as you appear into this world I'll make sure you know how special you are to us" I moved back tearing up a little
"She's kicking"
I placed my hand on my wife's stomach just looking at it with the biggest smile on my face
"You ever stay still sweetie"
"No she doesn't that's a good thing"
"Oh god"
"Can you feel her heart beat?"
My wife took my hand back and placed it on her stomach gently
I smiled looking at her stomach
Princess our beautiful princess in that moment our world was changing it was the most amazing news I've ever received other then Diana saying yes to marrying me

Diana's POV
"Come on baby let's go clothes shopping for the baby"
As we both got up I walked to Josiah's room getting him out of his crib
"guess what baby boy" he looked at me giggling
"Mommy is having your baby sister"
He smiled then i smiled back at him holding him against my hip as we walked downstairs to the kitchen I grabbed the keys handing them to Michael
"Babe just us no Bill"
"Are you sure you want me to drive"
he said nervously
"Yes you'll be fine trust me"
As I put my son Josiah I watched as Michael was sitting in the drivers seat
"You'll do fine, I trust you"

Michael's POV
As soon as those words came out of her mouth I wrapped my arms gently around her kissing her lips repeatedly but gently
"Okay let's go"
I started to drive to the baby store singing along to the radio my wife joined in and then Josiah try to join in even though he didn't know the words it was the sweetest thing that happened in that moment
"We're here"
As soon as we got into the store Diana must have grabbed at least a hundred of girl baby clothes and put them into the basket
"Babe I think that'll be enough for now don't you think"
"Yes and no"
We walked to the register I purchased every piece of clothing & a baby crib and stroller Josiah kept playing in her hair

Diana's POV
My back was killing me but I wasn't about to put my baby boy down he showed me so much love so even if my back hurt a little bit I'd be okay he was fast asleep as I put him in his car seat sitting in the back with him falling asleep along with him , we got home Michael carried everything in and I carried Josiah upstairs to our bedroom with me falling asleep on the bed together

A few weeks later

My wife woke me up out of my sleep holding her stomach ,
"I think the baby is coming"
"She can't be babe it's still too early"
I jumped out of bed running to the phone calling Bill

Bill's POV
My phone rang and woke me up out of this pleasant dream I was having , it was Michael
"Hello Michael is everything alright"
"Bill .. Bill please come as quick as you can there's something wrong with the baby.."
"The baby?"
"Diana's pregnant"
"Oh well congratulations"
"But something is wrong Bill she's not supposed to be coming yet"
I ran out of the house in my pajamas driving to Michael's house he rushed into the car and I stepped on the gas going 80 Mph
"We're here Michael"

Diana's POV
As my husband took me into the hospital I had the worst gut feeling
Our baby is dead ... she's dead...
"Mrs.Jackson May we speak to you in private"
The doctor asked but Michael wouldn't let go of my hand
"Whatever you have to say to her you can say to me"
The doctors hesitation just made my frustration grown
"What is it"

I'm sorry to say this but the baby didn't make it Mr&Mrs.Jackson

Michael's POV
"What- No- No your lying!"
Tears came streaming down my face as I held my wife she was crying hysterically my shirt was full of her tears ... not our princess not our baby girl ... this just isn't fair ... why god why...
we've been good people...

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