Chapter30:Jokes On You

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Michael's POV
That was the worse sex I've ever had and I've had bad but this , what the fuck was that like 2 seconds and she was more cushion for the pushing but she couldn't even last I looked at the time rolling my eyes I should go see if Diana is yup while grandma over here is sleeping as soon as I got up and closed the door behind me my son approached me
"I knew it!"
"You don't know shit"
"Your trying to go see mom"
"Not happening dad"
This damn cock blocking nigga I thought shaking my head walking back into my room
"Michael" she said
Aw man he woke her up I was hoping she didn't get up there was no way I wanted a round two of that
"Come lay down with me"
"I actually have to go check on my brother"
I walked back out of the room if I could've ran I would have as I reached Junior door I laughed she really thought I was going to sleep with her
"Junior it's me"
"What is it"
"Open the door"

Junior's POV
I opened the door annoyed
"Yes? You woke me up"
"Sorry but I just couldn't lay down with this lady"
"Why not?"
"See umm"
"She's pregnant?!"
"No, thank god"
Sure she isn't pregnant he has so much sex with no condoms I wouldn't be surprised if she is
"Well what happened?"
"She wasn't good"
"She wasn't good? How?"
"She lasted two seconds!"
I started laughing holding my head
"Yea plus she wants a relationship"
"What did you say?"
"I said sure but between me and you bro I'm not about to be with the 2 second girl"
"Did you tell her that?"
"Hell no"

Chaka's POV
I hope this man got me pregnant I don't mind the other baby mommas because I know I would be the best and he would always pick m to be with out of all of them even Diana, it was about time I showed him what a real woman looked like

Michael's POV
As I started falling asleep I began to toss and turn damn it not again I thought this had been happening lately since I stopped doing coke with Whitney I just couldn't sleep at night but I had a friend give me a little sleep juice so while my brother was sleeping I walked quietly to the bathroom pulling the bottle of morphine out of my pocket then the needle slowly pushing it in my arm close to my vain I could feel my heart race as I let it run into my body right before I could slip the needle back into my pocket I dropped it then walked back to the couch falling down it slowly falling fast asleep.
"Michael? Michael get up"
I heard my name thinking it was the woman in my dream I couldn't make out her face but the way she said my name she sounded like my brother

Junior's POV
What the hell was he thinking about
He's gonna kill me for this but I have too since he won't wake up but part of me was happy to do it I smacked my brother hard across his face then he jumped up
"What the hell Junior!"
"This woman Raven called and said she just had your baby!"
Congrats brother another baby and another baby momma your starting to beat James Brown you know
"Oh shut up and hand me my keys"
"Wait I have something else I wanna show you"
"What's that?"
"What's this"
I held the needle in my palm giving him a stern look
"I-I'll tell you later

Michael's POV
He doesn't have to know and he has no idea
"I'll see you later bro I love you"
"I love you too"
As I ran out of the door and downstairs I completely forgot Chaka was in my room but I didn't care either I needed to go see my child so I ran to the limo and jumped in the back looking outside
"I don't think anyone seen us Bill let's go"
As he began to drive I was just hoping was everything was alright with my child and what he or she looked like it had been awhile since I seen Raven so there was no doubt in my mind that she could have been doing something while she was pregnant, as we reached the front of the hospital I covered my face running to the room
"I'm so sorry I'm late"

Raven's POV
I know that he had a show tonight but I didn't expect him to be late to our child's birth I'm sure he wasn't for Whitney
"It's fine , she's fine"
"It's a girl!"
"Did you name her already?"
"No I was waiting for you"
"Diamond Katherine Jackson will be her name"
"It's beautiful"
"Thank you"

Michael's POV
I signed my baby girls birth certificate and then walked over to Raven and kissed her head
"Thank you I promise I'll be back tomorrow"
"I'll be home so you can come over whenever you like" she said smiling
"Alright I'll see you soon"
as I walked out of the hospital I looked at Bill smiling
"We have another lady"
"Congrats Mike"
"Thank you"
"Now take me back to hospital I have a situation I have to handle that I left in my room"
"Okay Michael"
All I could think about was this sweet baby girls face , all my children were beautiful, Bill stopped short in front of the hotel
"What is it"
"Well Mike people are saying your dating Chaka Kahn"
"Chaka? CHAKA! Damn it"
I ran upstairs to my room opening my door all my stuff was all over the place this woman had went through all my things
"Hey baby look what I got"
I looked over and she was holding my flask
"Put it back"
"That isn't yours"
"Mm but it's yours"
"Yea it is now put it back!"
She threw it into the bathroom so I walked into the bathroom grabbing it then locked the door behind me
"Your something else first you want my baby and a relationship and now you wanna rampage through my things well I'll be the last one laughing I said as I put the needle of morphine in my arm this time it wasn't the same sleep sensation my arm felt cold
"Chaka! Go get somebody! Somethings" before I could finish my sentence my eyes shut and I was laying on the cold floor

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