Chapter 19:Lately

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Michael's POV
I just got home from tour my head was killing me from the long plane ride as I went upstairs with my bags I walked to my daughters room they were fast asleep I then put my bags down and kissed there heads "I love you" I whispered then I felt my wife's hand on my shoulder and turned around
"why are you always going on tour?" Should I really tell her the truth ... should I tell her what I've been feeling, no she wouldn't understand and I don't wanna upset her.
"My fans love me and miss me" I said knowing damn well that wasn't the main reason.
"Why do you go over your baby momma's house so much then"
I stopped her there "Diana , me and Whitney are just friends and we're co parenting" the truth was
Diana we're not getting along .. ,
Diana were not as close as we used to be
Diana I don't feel like you care about me so I looked for it in someone else ,Lately we weren't speaking to each other much it was fight after fight and what was I really supposed to do continue to fight ... it was getting tiring and I wasn't ready to walk away from our marriage but fighting wasn't getting anywhere it was just pulling us apart and I started pushing her away

Diana's POV
He's around Whitney more then he's around me and our daughters , what is it that this woman has that i don't ... does he still love her? He must still love her if he's always over there.
Every time we got into a big argument it was "Diana I'm going on tour I love I'll see you later" not Diana let's talk about this , Diana I'm sorry for going to Whitney instead of you... nope he was numb and I didn't know how to fix and I'm tired of the arguments and him not seeing that I'm here for him , I was starting to get lonely and he couldn't even tell or did he just not care ..

Michael's POV
I knew she was getting lonely from me being gone so we had sex here and there when I got home but something about it just didn't feel the same ... when I brought up my friend Jolly she would act as if she didn't know him and right there I had the strangest feeling ... I didn't know how to say it without her thinking I was just being insecure about another man she had been around but she was a beautiful woman hell she was a catch so of course I was worried when she was around other men but there was no way I'd say that because it would just make me look like the insecure husband and that was a label I was not going to where.
So I called my friend to see how close my wife and him had really gotten.
"Hey Jolly"
"Hey Mike wassup"
"Nothing , I see you and Di have been spending more time together"
"Yea we were , to be honest man she wanted me"
"She wanted you?"
"She didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"We umm we slept together Michael , she was throwing it back on me and everything man
I can see why your crazy about her now"
At that moment I slammed the phone down
I walked upstairs and as she was in the shower I took everything I could fit in my two bags , walked to my daughters room and left with them , I knew things were bad but I never expected this woman that said she love me ..
to break my heart like this to betray me like this. My first intention was to go to Whitney's house and have sex with her out of spite but
I couldn't for some crazy reason
I still loved this woman and still respected our

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