Chapter 56:Marvins Return

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A few moths went by it was good and then it was bad. But this day Something seemed a bit strange I couldn't put my finger on it but something just didn't seem right. My wife wasn't really speaking to me at the moment I tend to push her buttons a little bit too far sometimes but I new if it was that bad she'd tell me but she hadn't it had just been a kind of silence roaming through the house , I wonder if I truly upset her that much then the unexpected happen I get a call from my sister in law telling me that my wife's ex husband had been in contact with her. The last thing I wanted was for that guy that was less then a man to be in any contact with my wife or even as much look at my wife but I did have to come to terms that they did have children together so I would have to find some way to get along with this guy no matter how much I disliked him, but something inside me just couldn't resist the anger I felt within me for what he had done to her and for what I had let happen

"So guess who's back?"

"I don't know babe who?"




Before she could get another word out of her mouth I felt my rage grow I felt the memories start to pour in , that feeling I had seeing her happy with him , hell probably in love... I some how couldn't seem to let go the fact I had lost her at that time I just kept digging myself into a bigger hole


"Yes babe"

I hesitated to answer .. I knew she knew what I was thinking because she had seen that look in my eyes before

"Just don't speak to him don't say a word to him"

How could I not say a word to the man who had took my woman from me... how could I contain such actions and my rage that had building up inside with me since she shared with me what he had done ...

Diana's POV
He's got that look , that same look he had the first time it all ended. Before I knew it we were at war with each other. How could a man who said he loved me so much break my heart and then on top of that try to break me ... I could never understand why everything had to happen the way it did ... but it did and I have to stop torturing myself with it

"I'll be right back"

"Where are you going Michael?"

"To talk to somebody"

"Who Michael?"

"Somebody I've wanted to talk to for a long time"

"Michael! No!"

I knew I couldn't change his mind or how he was feeling but I at least thought he'd put his pride aside this one time

I got in my car and drove to Janet's house

"Dunk I'm trying I really am but he deserves every little bit of disrespect and so much more for hurting her , I know I've hurt her too but I'd be damn if I just sit back and say nothing to him!"

"Michael calm down"

"I am calm"

"Where did you go before you came here"

"I- I did an interview and he called him so I lost my patience and my sanity for that money and let him haven't , Diana's been calling my phone ever since ... I know she's upset but hell so am I , I finally get my life to where I want it with her and this guy just decides to show up into her life again & taunt me with the past ... as if I didn't get enough lashings for those memories ... as if I already don't speak down to myself for what I had done"

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