Chapter 39:No Touch Just Tease

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Michael's POV
Halle was out of the house and the silence returned up until the phone rang then my heart raced knowing it was her on the other line

"Hey Di , how's everything"

"Everything's good"

"You sure you sound stressed"


Just by that "Mhm" I knew she was lying and I don't know why or what it was but I could tell it was hurting her

"Well i got a surprise for you and the girls"

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise I can't tell you"




"No not yet"

"Hmm so you really missed me?"

"Yes I do a lot ..."

"You think you could show me next time how much you missed me"

"Di- wait a minute woman where is your hand"

In a low moan she answered me
"where yours should be"

I laughed biting my lip listening to her low moans , this is harmless ... I'm not touching her and it's just like ... well I'll keep that to myself

"Is he home?"

I didn't care if he was or he wasn't but I didn't want her to get caught and be at fault for someone's marriage ending

"No he's not"

Don't do it man
How can I resist?! Her teasing is temptation it's self her body ... god her body
Is married!
Not uh not until I'm up in it
Mhm and so was he!
Well he's not gonna be anymore! This is my woman damn it! I had her first! She's mine!

As my conscious disappeared the urge to have her grew as she continued to tease me over the phone I grabbed my bed sheets tightly closing my eyes just imagining her body close to mine.
Right before I could even touch my growing erection my brother bursted through the door


"Junior!!? What the hell man you don't knock!"

She was laughing at the other end of the phone
"I see junior is still being junior"

"Come on Michael"

I was trying to! Then you busted through the damn door!

"Okay okay give me a minute to finish talking to my friend"

"Oh I'm just a friend now"

"No your not" I started laughing trying to push junior out of my room

"Why are all these candles on!? , Is it Diana!?"

"Go sit down junior!"

"Go ahead baby go talk to your brother you can call me back when he leaves"

I don't care about him! God!

"Okay , I love you"

"I love you too"

I hung up the phone sexually frustrated looking at my brother

"Yes!? What the hell was so important that you had to bust through my damn bedroom door?"

"Well I seen this thing on tv talking about how Diana might leave her husband"

"Stop pulling my leg man"

Was she really?? Was she really gonna leave him for me... or just leave him in general

Junior's POV
I laughed looking around my brothers house he had it all set up like if he was about to make love
"So what's the candles for?"

"I was just setting a mood"

"What kind of mood?"

"A peaceful mood"

"With Diana"


"Yeah huh with Diana"



As much as my brother try to deny his love for this woman Diana it showed even more

"So where's Diana?"

"At home"

"When is she coming over"

"She's not"

"Hmm candles .. music and no Diana , that's hard to believe"

"Well... believe it"

"Hmmm you sure I think I just seen her car pull up"

As he turned his head I smacked the back of it laughing

"I can't believe you fell for that"

"I- I didn't I just looked to see if there was a car"

"Yea her car"

Michael's POV
He says Diana one more time I'm gonna take my loafer off and throw it at his damn head
"No just any car" please junior just by that and leave so I can take care of this big problem I got

"So Diana gave you that too huh"

I can't be showing! No way!

"I-I don't know what your talking about"

I ran to the bathroom embarrassed locking the door behind me turning on the shower making sure it's cold getting in staying under the water I over heard my brother laughing and yelled
"If you say anything about this to her I'll kill you!"

It's A Love Hate Thing Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ