Chapter 53: Somebody's watching me

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The whole week I've been getting followed by Diane's sisters almost everywhere I went they would appear as if I couldn't see them following my every move. Behind my shadow was their shadows following me, they wanted to find something so that they're sister would leave me. They still haven't found a single piece of evidence that say's I was having an affair of any type.

"Can they just get off my back"

I told my brother Junior watching through the window as they waited in his drive way

"Want me to say something bro"

"Even if you did it wouldn't make a difference right now it was me against them and the whole world."

"If you didn't do anything you have nothing to be worried about Mike"

"I'm not worried Junior I'm furious. I'm complaining infuriated by the whole situation. What other lies would they tell to get her to leave me, it's as if they don't want her to be happy just so they'd have more time with her. I didn't take her from them."

As I paced back and forth in my brothers house there was the two hawks eyeing me hard from the drive way trying to pierce my soul with a flash of the camera, they might as well be tabloids.

"Well how does Diana feel about it"

I have no clue how Diana feels about it. Diana hasn't really said much since they placed they claims on that but was it really my place to involve my brother in my marital issues if there even was one at this point , not really

"She's okay I guess."

"What do you mean okay Mike?"

"She's been busy with her music and preparing for some concert so I didn't really want to
re approach the issue."

"You have to."

As my brother continued to encourage me to go speak to my wife I couldn't take it anymore it was as if my blood was boiling my body became hotter then ever my rage was at its fullest potential, I took a step outside approaching the car slowly trying to think of what I should say or do only one thing came to mind and that was to let them feel every bit of my rage.
I approached the window knocking gently but hard enough to get there attention.

"Open it."

"Go back in the house Michael."

"Shut your mouth Florence."

"Why because your cheating on my sister!?"

"Now you and I both know that's a damn lie!"

My brother came running outside pulling me back, he could tell by the look in my eyes I had no intention to continue arguing with this woman if that's what you would even call her.

"Michael calm down."

"No Junior! I am sick and tired of putting up with this woman's crap, she intentionally wants to ruin my marriage and it's not fair. I only put up with her because she's Diane's sister."

"Your a joke Michael. A damn Looney Tune."

I was ready to run my car into hers and call it an accident. It was a harmless accident that caused the driver to have a bruised leg, yea that's what I'll say

"Florence I am sick and tired of your insults and this endless war with you. Your a bully , your a horrible person and feel sorry for any
man that has to put up with you"

"What's wrong Michael are you Afraid that my sister might get fucked by Jolly again!"

She was trying to piss me off and it was working she was trying to hurt me but it wasn't working it was just infuriating me even more.

"You know what."


I watched as she laughed her sinister laugh for some reason she thought her horns were bigger then mine, but she was wrong. She might have been the devil that wore heels , but I was the devil that took your soul , I was devil you prayed you never meet.

"I'll show you hell"

I leaned closer against the glass window reaching my hand in the car rolling the window down making sure I was looking directly into her eyes so she could see the look of death that had risen upon them.

"I'm not afraid of you Michael"

I laughed pressing down against the car door

"I'll drag you down to hell Florence I'll show you how much of the monster you claim I am to be true. This is the last time I ever let you insult me."

"You know she'll pick me over you, I'm her sister."

"Like hell she will. If I make her choose she's going to choose me. Watch."

I walked away quickly walking to my car getting in it slowly beginning to drive back to my house turning corners and taking a few back roads that way my sister in law's stalking
me would loose me. I was sick of fighting her and I was sick of feeling like It was me against the world , as I reached my house I hesitated to stop the car, what if she sided with her. I wasn't ready but to hell with it, I stepped out of my car calmly walking towards the door turning the knob very slowly before walking in. My wife stood in the living room with her eyes staring into mine.


"Well hello to you too babe , my day was lovely babe"

"Diane sit down"

"No I'm perfectly fine like this for whatever you have to say."

"I am sick and tired of your sister disrespecting me. So I've come to the point where it's either me or her Diane. Because I'm not going to continue to fight with her, I cannot."

"I can't believe I have to pick between the both of you, but I pick you."

For a moment I believed her but knowing my wife. She'd be back , she always is. One foot out the door and the other one surprisingly still in it.

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