Chapter 52:Snake in the grass

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I never understood why my wife's sister hated me so much. Every time I seen her it was like I was always having to justify my life to her. The more she try to get closer the more I would pull back because the last thing I needed to be was breaking news , every time they talked.


"I'll be back"

No way in hell I was going back into that room but as long as she didn't know that I'd be alright, right? ,wrong it seemed like every time I left a room with her in it she was throwing a ton of dirt on my name. "He's cheating on you" because I really wanted to see her hurt again... I'm so sick of these lies the more they grow the more I think "If I say it's me will they then leave me alone?" Why should I have to be crucified for someone else's lie ... why should I have to continue to have to save my name... like if having fake friends around me wasn't enough. I already had 2 people talking about me behind my back the last thing I needed to think about was my wife thinking I was cheating on her.

"Mike she's at it again"

"She's been like a hound dog on me all damn day. Can I get a break! Jesus tell me why this woman won't let me be."

"You need a drink"

A drink! More like a punch in the gut! If they both didn't want me to be with her so bad why not confront me instead of going behind my back and throwing dirt on my name. I knew Florence didn't like me. We weren't friends and we damn sure weren't going to smile at each other in the same room let alone be in the same room together.

"No I don't need a drink I need these birds to stop stalking me every time I make a move they both are on my back"

"Who Nicca"

"Your ex wife & Flo"


"Yea she's been hawking me down with Florence all day. Somehow I always feel like they have it out for me. It feels like I'm drowning and they're sitting back watching it."

"I don't think Mayte likes Flo ,Mike"

"Who the hell does.The woman is the devil in disguise. She loves to preach about peace and love but does the complete opposite.You know my wife isn't even speaking to me and the funnier thing is Flo is having a blast with this"

"Mike I know you don't want to hear this"

"Then don't say it"

I cut him off before he could say something stupid to have me thinking in this state of mind wasn't going to do any of us any good.
Florence ... she had it out for me and no one else could convince me that she didn't.
I stood up slowly walking to my car with these lies running through my mind I took my frustrations and got into my car driving home.

"Maybe they'd like it better if I was dead"

Fuck them! Fuck what they thought, I love this woman with every single part of my being and if they can't see it then maybe it's time to show them the Michael I used to be. A little touch of crazy. My phone interrupted my thoughts, it was my wife. At this very moment I didn't wanna speak with her. If she could believe anything they say to her why should I. Looking back at my phone she left a voice mail

"Michael call me back when you get this it's important, we need to talk"

More like I needed to pull the problem out of her... the more she pushed away from the problem the more I'd pull towards it. The more I felt left in the dark the more I'd pull away.
If my own wife couldn't trust me and believe what I say then what the hell are we still going together. As I stepped out of my car walking to my house I heard her voice the slithering snake was in my peaceful home causing havoc.

"What is she doing here"

I put down my keys looking away from the snakes eyes she likes to try and look into my soul.

"I was just leaving"


"Mhm. I'll see you later Di remember what we just talked about."

The snake pierced me for a second showing
me her fangs, I was too late she already wrapped my wife's mind around the idea that I would have an infidelity.

"What did you say to her Florence"

"Ask your wife Michael"

"I'm asking you."

I really didn't care to hear the answer from either of them. I knew what was being said and I knew she was laughing in the ambience of my marriage falling apart. She'd rather see an insignificant doped up circus clown with Diane then me.

"Well if you must know Michael we all know you're cheating on Diane, and don't deny it because we have proof."

"We? Hmm well you and whomever else can take your truth and shove it up your ass! Because it's a damn lie. Now do me a huge favor and leave."

"Michael! That's my sister!"

"Ask me if I care. I don't. Leave Florence."

Here she goes protecting that damn snake again. The devil truly does wear heels. She'll just have to see that for herself one day.

"We're not talking about this."

"Like hell we aren't!"

"Are you or are you not cheating on me Michael"

"I'm not! It hurts you would even think I would. If you don't trust me what the hell are you still doing here with me"

"I ask myself the same question sometimes"

"Oh. Really..."


"Listen to me and listen to me really clearly.
I did not and would not cheat on you. I'm done with this conversation , you wanna be mad at me for something I didn't do be my guest"

What the hell am I still doing in this house is what I thought as I paced back and forth down stairs in the studio. This snake wants to bring hell upon my home and into my life. It's time for me to show her , I hold the power. Not her.

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