Chapter six

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You're whipped ya know that?

Niall POV

*a week earlier*

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" slips out of my mouth. I have no idea why, what was going through my head. I watch as he shrugs his shoulders, not making eye contact. I grab my computer, sitting on the edge of the bed. Shawn finally looks at me, he pats the spot next to him. I crawl over to him, sitting in the empty space. "What would you like to watch?" He shrugs his shoulders again, I smile.

''The Haunting of Hill House?'" I suggest, he shrugs his shoulders for the tenth time tonight.

"Do you only shrug your shoulders?" I ask, typing in the shows name, he hesitates, looking at me he smirks before shrugging his shoulders, we both laugh.

We watch a couple episodes, Shawn's eyes start to close, not that I was watching him, his head soon falls down on his shoulder. I shut the computer, I try to slide out of bed but a hand stops me, I twist around to look at him.

"You can't make me watch that show and then leave me," he says, I set the computer on the ground, snuggles father into the blankets, he watches as I pull my shirt off. I pull the blankets up and lay down under them. I turn towards him, he's already looking at me. "Why?" I ask, he looks confused, "why's re you forgiving me so easily?"

He sighs and looks away, "because I try to find the good in people and I know you have a good heart somewhere in there," he points at my heart, "I just hope this doesn't end up in shit and we can become good friends. Also I'm really scared of the really tall guy in the show."

I grin at him, "yeah he was pretty scary." Shawn smiles, his eyes slipping close. My eyes soon start to droop, Shawn quietly snoring next to me.

Shawn sits across the room in a black suit. I keep making eye contact with him, we both stand up at the same time. My heart beating fast, we meet in the middle of the dance floor.  "shall we?" he bows down, his hand reaching out. I take his hand and pull him towards me, "we shall." Music starts in the background, sounding like we were in the middle of a empty abandoned building. People around us start dancing, a blur of big gold dresses spinning.

I grab his hip in one hand, he puts a hand on my shoulder, we start to move our feet shuffling on around and we twirl to the music. Shawn smiles, he leans forward, our noses brush together, the music starts over again and again. I frown, the music starting to annoy me.

I open my eyes slowly, a phone alarm blaring the same tune. Our noses are touching gently, I jerk away quickly, falling hard onto the group, the blankets falling with me. Shawn sits up quickly, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He looks around confused, he looks down and snorts.

"What's up?" Shawn asks, he hold out his hand. I grab onto it, pulling myself up.

I smile, "just giving the ground a hug."

"I knew you were starting over but hugging the ground is going a bit overboard," he teases, I walk away. Shawn gets up walking after me, his  foot getting tangled in the blankets I pulled to the floor. He hits the floor hard, "shit!" I turn around and laugh at him.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Giving the ground a hug," he jokes, he stretches his arms up, his belly popping out. I glance down before realizing what I'm doing, I quickly look away. I help him up, he thanks me before walking into the kitchen and takes out a bowl of cereal. He takes out two plastic bowls and some spoons. I walk to the fridge and grab the milk.

We sit down, eating in silence, nothing really to say. I dump my left over milk in the sink, walking into our bathroom. I turn on the shower, hopping in after I remove my clothes. Thinking about my dream, I hold back a smile. I wash my hair, getting out once I'm done.

I walk out with a towel and see Shawn in front of the cupboard. I smirk, I walk up behind him and grab an apple. He twists his head around, I move away. I go over to my closet, grabbing a t-shirt and jeans.  I feel Shawn's eyes on me, I drop the towel and turn back to him.

Shawn's eyes widen and he averts his eyes. I go back to getting dressed, I hear the shower go turn on a couple seconds later. My phone goes off, I pick it up and look at the caller ID, "what do you want prick."

"Holy hell Niall. I was wondering if you would like to get lunch with me and Liam?" Louis asks, I place my phone in between my ear and shoulder, pulling my pants up.

"Liam and I. And yes I would like to. Can Shawn come?" I ask, it's silent for a couple seconds.

"Shawn Mendes?" he asks, I sit down on the bed.

"Yeah," I answer.

"Well 'Liam and I'," he says sarcastically, "think that's a good idea. But 'Liam and I' are wondering why Shawn."

"I dunno. He's actually nice," I say, I pull on a pair of socks.

"Okay. but no Harry or Zayn," he says, I agree before hanging up, I sit on my phone. Shawn walks out clothed with damp hair, he smiles widely.

"Hey. I was wondering if you would like to go out to eat with Louis Liam and I?" I ask, his eyes widen a fraction.

"uh. Can I have some friends?" I shake my head. Then Shawn shakes his head. "I'm actually going to the park with Zayn and Harry."

I smile, "can I come?"

He looks at me, "Kay. Uh. I'm going to call Harry and tell him you're coming." He walks out of the room.

I grab my phone and send a quick text to Louis. 'Never mind can't come. Going to hang with Shawn.'

My phone buzzes. 'I always knew you had a soft spot for him.'

'Shut up' I send back turning red.


'Fuck you'

"Okay they said it was alright. Let's go," Shawn says, I turn around.


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