Chapter eleven

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Maybe Not

Niall POV

I blink up at the ceiling, my arms stretching up as far as they can. I could fall asleep standing up, my legs shaky from dancing and walking. My eyes start to droop as Harry names of some pranks. "Hey," Louis snaps in front of my face, I sit up, trying to blink the tiredness from my eyes. I glance at the other boys to try and focus of something other than sleep.

Zayn slowly slumps against Harry, his eyelashes fluttering closed before a small snore falls from his lips. Harry smiles, running a hand through his hair, continuing to name off pranks. I finally allow myself to glance at Shawn, his head falling back against the bed, an uncomfortable angle to sleep. I take pity and scoot over to the bed, I slowly slide my hand behind Shawn's head. He quickly slips against my shoulder, he breath puffing against my neck as he curls closer to me. I frown down at him, looking up at Liam, he raises an eyebrow at me. I shrug, playing with Shawn's curls.

I can't help but wonder what happened between us, I just remember slowly not seeing Shawn more often, staying up at night and waiting for a text. Thinking of it now it was really selfish of me to get angry, I should have done more. I try to remember the good times, before the storm.

I tug Liam head under my arm, pressing my knuckles against his head and rubbing hard. He groans loudly accidentally dropping his papers all over the floor. "Damn it Niall," Shawn whines, Liam flicks me off, helping Shawn pick up his stuff. Harry runs up to us, Zayn not too far behind him, both letting out wicked laughing. "We have to get the hell out of here," Harry gasps out, quickly hiding behind me.

"Who the fuck did this?" Louis snaps, his eyes already squinting at Harry. A red tint in his hair, glitter sparkling in the sun. Harry holds backs giggle and shrugs. "My grandma asked me if I was gay. What the hell."

"What's wrong with her thinking your gay?" Shawn asks absentmindedly, now standing up next to Liam.

"Everything," Louis mutters, stomping away from them. Liam quickly follows him, I stay back, turning to the other boys. They frown after Louis. "He was just joking guys," I say, "you coming?"

Shawn blinks at me, turning away and forming a small circle. I frown at them and back away.

"In a second,"  Zayn says, pushing me out of their circle. I force a smile, waving at them as I jog away.

"Well I've got an idea," I say, it comes out quiet as I'm half asleep.

Harry and Louis look up at me.


The meeting went by fast, we all agreed to grab supplies. Sitting in the van playing some music quietly, hoping to ease the tension. I hold the bucket of money in my lap, everyone put in a dollar or two to fund the prank. I'm starting to regret not leaving as soon as they told us,
I only stayed because Shawn said it would be fun. The other boys all curled in their seats, careful not to look at each other. I could have not gotten a more stupid group.

We park into the a spot, everyone piling out of the van. "Partner off, two people do bed stuff, other hair stuff, and the other craft stuff," Harry explains, tugging Zayn towards him. I look over at Shawn knowing he's not gonna partner with Liam or Louis.

"We'll do hair," I mutter, walking away from the group, Shawn skips next to me, his arm linking with mine. I smile and pull us over to the hair aisle. "What colors," Shawn asks, his finger skimming over some of the boxes. His eyebrows are pulled together in thought, my stomach flipping as he glances up at me. I frown, grabbing the most vivid colors.

His fingers linger by mine as he grabs the boxes, I flush awkwardly and pull my hand away. I turn away, trying to avoid a feeling in my chest. I walk toward the bedding area, trying to find Harry and Louis. Harry is standing the sheets, his lips pursed as he stares at the prices. He grabs onto a a couple packs and throws them into a cart. "Harry," Shawn says, Harry turns to us and smiles, "we should go get some glitter."

I turn towards Shawn, frowning, "I can go." Shawn shakes his head, tugging on Harrys hand.

"I want to go with Harry right now," Shawn mutters as they walk away. I turn away, my stomach churning as I walk out to the car, hoping the boys will just know. I open the door and see a angry Louis pouting in the middle seat. I make my way to the way back, stretching my legs across the seat. "Why are you being a downer," I ask, my head resting against the window.  

"Harry is such an asshole control freak," Louis sighs out, his leg stomping.

"Well," I start but the door opens. I shut my mouth seeing Shawn's head pop in, he grins widely and comes towards the back, Harry following him. "Ah. No you're sitting in the middle seat with Louis," Shawn says, pushing Harry's head and moving my legs. Shawn sits down, stretching his legs over mine, the warmth of his thigh against mine distracts me. I stare down at his legs, playing with the seat nervously. Shawn coughs quietly and I look up at him, his eyes are trained on me, my heart beating faster. Harry and Louis argue quietly in front of us, Shawn's fingers slide up one of my legs slowly, his eyes still set on mine.

I swallow nervously and slide my hand towards him, he does the same and our fingers brush. A loud bang on the car scares me, I jerk my hand away and turn towards the noise. Liam rugs Zayn by the hips, their mouths connect, anger obviously fueling the kiss. "Oh my god," I say a little too loudly, "fûcking finally."

Zayn quickly pulls away, looking at the car. I quickly look away. "Act natural. We didn't see anything," Louis mutters, glancing down at his phone. I snort and turn back to Shawn, Shawn smiles at me and we both burst out laughing. The back door opening, Zayn and Liam throw the bags into the car quietly, tension flowing into the car.

"What are you laughing at," Liam snaps, his eyes squinting at me. I raise my hands, shaking my head. He rolls his eyes, slamming the door. Zayn climbs into the front seat, his shoulders tense as he buckles up.

"You ok?" Harry asks quietly, his hand resting on Zayns shoulder. Zayn jerks away, shaking his head.

"Let's just get this shit over with."

Not Again~ Larry Ziam Shiall auWhere stories live. Discover now