We Are The Champions My Friend

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WARNING: It gets kinda hot. ;)

Happy Birthday! Another update! I looked up Louis's siblings. Why are they so good looking???

This one is to Redfire0413 you're amazing! thanks for the comments! They make my day! 

(again. I'm sorry for the horrid grammar and shit I'll work on it later)

Chapter Fifteen

We Are The Champions My Friend

Harry POV

I wake up to the smell of something burning so I sit up really fast and run into the kitchen. I see flour all over the floor the boys are still throwing it at each other. Louis was throwing something in the sink. "What the hell are you doing to my kitchen."

They all turn their heads towards me. I have my hand in my hip and my eyebrow raised. With my free hand I point towards my room and throw my head back dramatically and yell, "get out of my kitchen!"

They all scramble out and I look in the sink where Louis threw the burnt pancake. There is a lot of dishes. "What were you even trying to make?"

Zayn pokes his head in, "we went to the store and bought some stuff for pancakes because we were hungry. We also bought one of those pancake grilled cheese cooking thingys."

I unplug it and look over at him. "Is there anymore ingredients?"

Zayn shakes his head and slowly backs away. I roll my eyes, "come in here and help me clean!"

I turn on some music and I make Niall wipe off counters, Zayn sweep, Liam gets to scrub the floor and Louis and I did the dishes. Louis decided to dump a bowl of water on me. So I throw some water at him but it missed and hit Shawn who just woke up from sleeping.

His eyes widen and he crosses his arms. He walks up to Liam's bucket and throws a rag at me. Louis wets the rags and throws it back at Shawn but hit Liam. Zayn instantly backs Liam up and suddenly there is water everywhere. Niall walks in with some grocery bags and stops before he gets his socks wet. "I went and bought more food."

I throw my hands up and walk to the bathroom and shove towels at everyone. "Clean."

We all pick up the water and I stand up, "I'm gonna take a shower."

They all look at me with challenging eyes.

"No I'm going to."

"Actually I was going to."

"Hahahaha. No."

They all look at each other. I get a smirk over my face and throw my towel at them and run. Someone grabs my ankle and I fall forward. Then the person trips on me. I turn and start wrestling them and another jumps over us. I see Liam running and Zayn hanging on his back like a koala.

They both jump into the bathroom and the door slams. You can hear rustling and little squeaks. Which turns into a moan. I face palm. "If you fuck in my bathroom I will kill you!"

Niall and Shawn were still in the kitchen. Niall starts laughing and falls to the ground. Shawn leans against the wall. I move so I'm on my side facing Louis who is also laying on the ground with his face scrunched up and letting out a breathy laugh.

Louis turns and looks at me. Niall stands up and runs over to us flopping on top of us. "Dogpile!"

Shawn come a plops on us to. We sit there for ten minutes laughing and talking about going to go see a movie when the 'Prank Wars' end. Zayn and Liam walk out Zayn's face is flushed. "If you guys smashed..."

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