First Date (part one)

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Chapter 23

Shawn POV

I take a deep breath. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and look at Harry, he gives me a sympathetic look and says, "your going to do great! Plus. You're looking stylish. You're wearing your lucky shirt. And by the way, where is Niall? This is his room."

He reaches forward and unbuttons one of the top buttons and pulls it apart. I shake my head and go to button it back up again while answering him, "he went to Liam's room. I don't know why. But he said he'll . He smacks my hand and pulls me over to the bed. I look at my watch, "where is Zayn?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders as he flips through phone. I look at the door, "kinda wish he was here."

Harry sets down his phone and looks at me, "he's kinda going through a hard time right now. Maybe we should ask him to come? I'm sure he will."

I nod my head nervously and he asks, "when do you have to leave?"

I look back down at my watch, "half and hour."

"Okay. I'll text him. What are you guys doing?"

I start messing around with the sleeves of my shirt, "we are going to a movie. I don't know which one though, he won't tell me. Then we are going out to eat."

He nods his head and goes back to his phone. I reach forward and take his phone, "get off you phone! I'm having a crisis and you are just sitting on your phone! What are you even doing?!?"

I turn on his phone and put in the password. He starts to try and grab the phone but run out of the room and lock the door. The phone opens to his text messages.

Nick: 'so what happened to you last night??'

Harry: 'ugh. Louis said he loved me and then kicked me out and then he came to my dorm room at three in the morning. 😫🙄'

I turn off the phone and unlock the door. I grab onto Harry's ear and bring him back to my bed. He lets out little 'ow's' I shove him to the bed and just he he flys down I hear a quiet knock. I walk over and pull open the door.

I see Zayn and grab his arm and order him to the bed. I cross my arms as Zayn sits down. "This is bullshit. Just because we're in college doesn't mean that we are going to push earth other away. We're starting to hide thing and I don't like that. I will skip this date and we can talk because I'm not having this shit happen to us. We were the golden trio! Like in Harry Potter. And college seem to be getting in the way. And other guys. I'll text Niall right now a cancel our date and we will talk," my voice rises with every sentence I say. Getting frustrated.

Harry and Zayn shake their heads and Zayn pipes up, "no! Don't skip the date! We can hang out tomorrow and talk. Talk all day. No secrets."

Harry nods his head vigorously. I look at Harry phone, I was still holding for some reason and my stomach drops. Ten minutes until Niall comes. I throw Harry's phone at him and start pacing the room. Zayn watches me go back and forth. "Hey Shawn. It'll be fun."

I throw my hands up in exasperation, "it's my first date Zayn! What if I mess it up!"

I sit down next to the boys and take a deep breath to calm my nerves, "I've talked to Niall for so long and I've been fine. I even slept with him!" Zayn and Harry whip up their heads, "not like that bubs. Get your head out of the gutter."

Harry sets his phone down and stands in front of me, "I think it's because you reli-"

Before he finishes his sentence I hear a knock on the door. My eyes widen and I stand up. Harry straightens my shirt out and Zayn goes and opens the door. I hear Niall's voice and my heart flutters. I look at Harry and ask, "what were you going to say?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I have no idea. I was hoping it would come to mind as I was saying it."

I laugh a little as Harry fix's my hair. He sigh happily, "I feel like a mom sending her kid off to prom. I hope it goes good."

I roll my eyes as I make my way into where Zayn and Niall are. Niall looks up and smiles at me. My neck heats up and I start playing with the hem of my shirt. Harry lightly pushes me towards Niall. I blush a deeper red and look up at Niall. "Hey Shawn," He says quietly.

"Hi," I mumble.

Zayn groans, "come on. Make it out the door why don't ya."

Harry reaches behind Zayn, Zayn jumps a bit and smacks Harry's hand away from his bum. Niall opens the door and we walk out. When the door closes I hear Harry squeal.

When we get to Niall's car he opens the door for me. I smile, "what a gentleman you are," I say.

He rolls his eyes as he shuts the door. He walks around and goes and sits in the drivers seat. I look over at him as he starts the car. He drops the key as he's try's putting it in the keyhole, "fuck. Stop looking at me Shawn. You're making me nervous."

I turn and look out the window. The car starts and I watch as the scenery changes. He pulls out of the parking lot and we start off to the movie theater.

"Can I look at you now?" I tease.

He laughs, "yeah sorry. I don't know why I'm so nervous."

"Same. So... what movie are we going to see?"

"Well I was hoping to see 'Us'"

"What is up with you and horror stuff!"

"Well. I don't know I like the thrill of it. But we don't need to."

I shake my head and touch his shoulder lightly, "it's fine."

He smiles and pulls into the movie theater parking lot. He gets out of the car and runs around, opening my door for me. He helps me out and we walk into the building. He walks up to the person by the desk, "two seats for 'Us' please."

The girls nails tap on the screen as she tells us the balance. I reach for my wallet but Niall grabs my hand and shakes his head. I'm about protest before the girl hands is our tickets and Niall hands her some money. The girl looks at our hands and smiles while asking, "first date?"

I nod my head as Niall pulls me towards the food. "Can I at least pay for this?" I whine.

I shakes his head, "nope. You are not paying for any of it. I'm taking you out on this date," he says in a stern voice, "could we get a large soda and popcorn."

I snicker and he looks at me, confused and asks, "what?"

"Soda." I say almost laughing again.

His face gets more confused, "what else do you call it? Sugary carbonated flavored water?"

I put my head on his shoulder and muffle my laughs with my hand. After I calm down the popcorn is ready. They hand us a empty cup. We walk over to the pop machine and Niall turns to me, "what kind of sugary carbonated flavored water would you like?"

I face palm, "it's called pop honey."

He face scrunches up, "Well what kind of pop would you like?"

"I would like the strawberry Sprite."

He nods his head and starts tapping the screen.


1314 words

Sorry it was getting too long so I'm breaking it into two part maybe three.

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