She's Pretty Hot

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Ah. I'm so lesbian. Bebe is a Queen. I have a crush at school. She is gorgeous. Ugh. This part takes off when Harry left.

Chapter 26

Eleanor POV (surprise?)

I watch as the curly head guy walks away. I frown as I shut the door. I turn around and go sit on the couch. I went out this morning, getting Louis cereal. Somehow he got my number. He called drunk and I went to his dorm he just cried, all night. Poor guy. It was pouring rain when I ran in from my car this morning. My hair got soaked.

Louis comes out of his room his hair wet from the shower, in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. His eyes were still puffy from last night. He looks at me and says, "you can leave. I'll call over Liam. We both are having problems. Probably eat ice cream and watch movies all day."

I nod my head, "I'll wait for him to come over. And do you have a umbrella? Kinda raining out."

He smiles and disappears down the hall. He comes back with a clear umbrella. He hands it to me and we go sit on the couch, turning on the telly. He grabs his phone, texting Liam.

A couple minutes early Liam walks in the room. I stand up grabbing the umbrella. Liam looks at me weird before saying, "who are you?"

"Eleanor Calder." I reply nicely.

"Are you two dating?" He asks.

I see Louis' face scrunch up, mine doing the same, "eh. No. I'm into girls." I say while walking out.

I open the umbrella when I get outside. I run out to my car shoving the umbrella in the back. When I sit down in my car my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" I say while starting my car.

"Hey El! Come to Bebe's us girls are having a slumber party!" The girl yells over the phone.

"I don't know where she lives and I don't have pajamas. I'll go home and get some."

"She can borrow some of mine!" I hear someone yell from the background.

"Okay," I say. She tells me the address and I quickly put it in my phone.

After a minute a pull up the house. I open the umbrella and run up to the front door. It opens, the blonde smiles, "hi I'm Bebe. It's actually Bleta. But why call me that. Come in I'll give you some of my jammies."

I sit there my mouth opening but nothing came out. The last time this happened was with her. Bebe grabs my hand and pulls me up stairs. I watch as she rips off her shirt. Her white bra making my mouth water.

She walks over to her dresser pulling out a couple of shirts. She throws one at me and I hold it watching her get dressed. Bebe looks up at me expectantly, "just going to watch me?" She says while pulling her pants over her butt.

I turn red as I pull my shirt over my head. I look at Bebe as I bring my pants down. I put her shirt over my head still pants less. "You're very pretty El," Bebe says while passing a pair of sweats to me.

I pull them on and flirt back, "you're a looker too."

557 words

Thanks for so many reads! You guys are great! I'm in love with blue and green... no specific reason.

What's your favorite color(s)?

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