Wrong Time

859 38 17

Chapter 21

Louis POV

I watch as Harry storms out of the room. Zayn and Liam look at each other before slowly shutting the door. I bring my hands to my face and rub my eyes. Fuck my life for being drunk.

I don't know why I said it. It was kinda just in the moment. I stand up and walk out of the room. I walk down the stairs and go to table filled with different kinds of drinks. I grab a beer and gulp it down.

I start to feel dizzy so I go quickly push my way to the bathroom. I push the door open, not knocking, before throwing up in the toilet. I feel a hand on my back, expecting it to Liam or Niall. So I speak, "I fucked up bro. Like I told Harry I love him and then told him to go away."

Instead of Niall's Irish accent or Liam's soothing voice, I get a higher pitched voice, "well. I don't really know who Harry is. Do you want to tell me about him?"

I turn around and see this girl with wavy brown hair. She smiles, I feel another wave of dizziness fall over me. I quickly turn away and throw up again. Honestly wish she was a he with short curly brown hair.

I move so I'm facing her, "I don't even know who you are."

She laughs, she pretty, if I wasn't gay I would probably date her, "I'm Eleanor."

I nod my head and look away, she sits there awkwardly before speaking up, "what's your name?"

"I'm gay." I reply before thinking.

She rolls her eyes, "no offense or anything but I'm not into guys. I'm just trying to make you feel better."

"Oh," I say, now the awkward one, "I'm Louis Tomlinson."

She nods her head, "I also messed it up with this one girl. We were dating but I was in the closet. I would hide her, make sure no one knew we were together. She got sick of it and we broke it off. I'm still in the closet. But I wish I didn't hide her."

I listen to her story, "yeah. I was a dick to Harry. I thought he didn't care about me and then I pushed him away. And then when I learned that he cared I just hated him for that so I hurt him. And now I fucked up."

Eleanor turns to me, "just talk to him. Ask him how he feels and get it right."

I nod my head and smile, "you're a good person. You know that?"

She smiles and reaches out her hand, "we should get you home."

I grab her hand and pull myself up. I stumble a bit before standing up right. We walk out of the bathroom and out to the door.

I stumble after Eleanor with a hand on her shoulder. We stop at her car and she opens the back door and plops me down. Once she gets in the front seat she turns and asks, "where do you live?"

"Do you know where the college dorms are?" I reply looking up at the ceiling of her car.

She faces forward, starts the car and starts driving. After what seems like a hour we stop and she turns back to me, "we're here. Do you need help?"

I shake my head and stumble out of the car. I raise my hand as a little farewell and start walking towards the dorms. I walk through the door and down the hall. Passing my dorm room and going to the one farther down the hall.

I turn banging on the door, maybe a little hard but I don't care at the moment, "open the door! I kno-"

The door flys open and I see a tired looking Harry, his shirt is all the way unbutton and my eyes travel down his chest. "The fuck do you want Lou-"

My hand goes forward and touches his butterfly tattoo. He sucks in a breath as I trace my hand down in chest, "Louis. What are you doing?"

I look up at him and open my mouth to say something, before my vision goes black. I feel my body go limp and I fall into Harry's arms. I hear a 'shit' before he picks me up and I fully pass out.

733 words

Really short. Damn.

But you ready for a Shiall date?

Some Ziam drama?

Because I am. Thanks for all the reads though! You guys are amazayn!!

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