Figure It Out

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Chapter 25

Harry POV

I open my eyes and turn to my side, groaning. I hear a crinkle under me when I flip on my back. I close my eyes to try and fall asleep again but something is jabbing my back under me. I sit up quickly, frustrated I can't sleep. I reach behind me and grab onto whatever was hurting me. I pull it to my face, a chip clip. I stand up quickly hearing someone yell out in pain. "Harry! My fucking arm!"

My eyes widen as I look down and see my foot on Shawn's arm. I move off his arm and watch as he brings it to his chest. "Arg! Ouch Harry!" He yells while sitting up. Ed sits up from his bed, "do you guys ever shut up," he says while throwing a pillow our way. I dodge it and help Shawn up.

When we're both standing Shawn rolls his wrist walk into the kitchen, "holy shit Harry I was expecting you to be li- ahh!"

I hear a huge thump so I quickly run after him. He's laying on the ground with holding wrist, pain scrunching up his features. I run over to him, "are you okay?" I say while helping him up.

"Fuck. The pillow. I think I sprained my wrist," he says slowly.

"Do you want to go to the doctor?" I ask.

He nods his head, wincing when he tried to move his wrist. I hear a knock on the, I turn to Shawn, "there is some ice in the freezer. I'm going to go get that."

Shawn nods and I walk over to the door. I open it and see Niall standing there, smiling. My eyebrows pull together, "what are you doing?" I ask as he pushes past me, "just let yourself in."

I close the door and walk back into the kitchen. Niall is holding Shawn's wrist and Ed is picking up the pillow Shawn slipped on. Niall puts a hand on Shawn's back and they start walking out. "I'm going to bring Shawn to the doctors," Niall yells before the door shuts.

I huff and walk over to my bed, it's only morning and everything is going to shit. I pick up my phone and scroll through my contacts. I bring the phone up to my ear, it rings for a second before the person picks up, "hi sweetheart."

"Hi mom." I say into the phone. I lay on my stomach, resting the phone between my shoulder and ear, tracing patterns on the pillow case.

"How are you doing?" My mom asks, her voice soft.

"I'm okay. Just tired and miss you." I reply.

"What's on your mind."

"Well you remember Louis?"

The line goes silent for a time long enough for me to think she hung up, "the one who bullied you," she said after a minute.

"Yeah." I say nodding my head even though she can't see me.

"Well what's up with him?"

"He said he loved me." I blurt without thinking.

"Oh. What did you say back?"

"Nothing. He didn't let me say anything back. Then later on in the night he came back to my room and then passed out. Then the next morning he runs out of the room. Literally. He ran."

I hear my mom giggle, "well honey, just try and figure it out. Okay?"

I sigh but listen anyway, "Okay."

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later though?"

"Yes. Bye I love you."

"I love you too."

The line go silent and I put my phone down. "Guess I gotta figure it out," I mutter.

Something moves beside my bed and I squeak. I look over and see Zayn still asleep. I roll my eyes as I grab one of my pillow. I throw it down on his face and he sits up quickly. He turns his head to me, glaring, "asshole." He says while hugging my pillow and laying back down.

"How the hell did you sleep through all that?" I say while laughing.

He looks up, clearly confused, "what'd I miss?"

"Shawn might've sprained his wrist."


"Yeah. I stepped on him and then he slipped."

Zayn nods his head and I can see he's slowly drifting back to sleep. I roll my eyes again, walking over to my closet. I pull out some random clothes and put them on.

I walk out of the room and go knock on Louis' door. The door opens and this girl with brown hair is standing there. Her hair is wet, like she just took a shower or was standing in the rain. "Um. Is Louis here?" I ask while looking behind her.

She smiles sweetly, "no. He's in the shower. Long night. Who are you? I can tell him you stopped by."

I give her a disgusted look before shaking my head, "I'm no one. Don't tell him anyone stopped by."

I can't believe I actually thought that I could work it out with Louis.

822 words

Just a little chapter. Next chapter, will be a surprise, will pry be out tomorrow if I'm up to it. Lol. And, whoever's POV it's going to be, they are going to MINNESOOOOTA! Not next chapter but the chapter after that. My state is Minnesota and I can't wait to write about it. Just because Minnesota is pretty cool. Not being bias. Maybe...

What's your favorite state?

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