Epilogue (ziam)

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"Push!" Liam yells. Zayn screams, before falling back in relief. A baby crying can be heard throughout the room. The doctors bundle the baby up in a blanket.

"Congratulations on your new baby girl."

Liam's throat clenching, tears start falling down his face as he reaches out his hands. They place the baby in his arms, Liam looks down. "Zayn. I'm going to pass out," Liam mutters, standing up. He gently sets the baby in Zayns arms before dropping to the floor.

Zayn looks at Liam, holding the their baby tight in his arms. He watches the doctors splash Liam with some water. Liam sits up quickly, "I'm so sorry," he says.

"It's fine. It happens to the dads all the time," the doctor says, hanging Liam some water. Zayn giggles, waiting for Liam to come look at their baby with him. Liam's a little wobbly but manages to make stand next to Zayn. They both look down, pushing the blanket down to get a better look at her face.

Her eyes are closed, her long eyelashes brushing her cheek. Her lips are parted, little breaths leaving them. Zayn smiles, "Ari. Ari is going to be her name," he says, looking up at Liam,

"Ari Louise Payne."


*three years later*

Liam get home from college, setting his bags on the floor. He walks into the living room, looking at his boyfriend. Zayn has that lost look on his face. "Where is Ari?" Liam asks.

Zayn look over at Liam. "She finally went to bed. How was school?" Zayn asks.

"Good. Louis and Harry can't keep their hands off each other and it's quite gross. Tomorrow's my last day," Liam says excitedly. Zayn forces a smile, Liam knows it's because he had to drop out of college because of Ari. Ari is now three years old. "What's on your mind baby?" Liam asks.

Zayn sighs, looking back out the window. Tears start to fall down his face. "Oh love," Liam whispers, pulling Zayn to his chest. "I have a question," Liam says, nervousness washing over him.

Zayn takes a deep breath, sitting up again. "Yes," Zayn asks.

"Will you marry me," Liam asks, scrambling to get on one knee, he digs in his pocket. Whipping out a black velvet box, he pops open the box. Zayns  head falls into his hands. Liam's eyes widen as he tries to stand up. Zayns hands reach out, pushing him down again. He pulls Liam towards him, kissing him hard.

"Yes. Yes yes yes yes!" Zayn yells. Liam smiles, putting the ring on Zayns finger. Zayn marvels at the small diamonds. "Liam. The reason I was crying is because I'm really emotional. And I'm going to be for the next eight months," Zayn says.

Liam nods his head, oblivious to anything Zayn was getting at. "Liam. I'm pregnant again," Zayn mutters. Liam's mouth pops open, his hand moves up to Zayns face.

A goofy smile spread across his face as he leans forward to place a gentle kiss on Zayns lips. Zayn giggles, pulling Liam closer to him. Liam slides his tongue against Zayns bottom lip, causing Zayn to let out a moan. Liam starts to kiss down Zayns, neck. Zayn tilts his head to the side, loving the way Liam's scruff feels.

Liam attaches his lips to Zayns collarbone. Zayn grips Liam's t-shirt hard, biting his lip hoping not to wake Ari so early. The move so Zayn can straddle Liam, Zayn runs a hand through Liam's fluffy hair. He hotly kisses Liam while rolling his hips down. Loving the way Liam reacts, a deep groan, his fingertip gently tracing Zayns arm.

Zayn pulls off quickly, falling to the ground. Liam hears a giggle, "why are you on the ground daddy?"

Liam smirks, adjusting his jeans to hide his boner. Liam stands up helping Zayn up, before turning to his beautiful daughter. "Papa!" Ari yells, running up to Liam, her dark curly hair bouncing as she holds out her arms. Liam swoops her up, kissing her cheek.

"How was your day baby girl?" Liam asks, setting her on the couch, before sitting next to her. Her chocolate brown eyes looking up at Liam.

"Daddy and me painted. We made chocolate chip pancakes. I took a nap, daddy told me I'm having a sibling," she rambles on. Liam runs a hand through her curls.

"How was your day papa?" She asks.

"Well, your uncles were being crazy, I got to learn new things in school. Then I got home to my beautiful daughter and boyfriend," Liam whispers.

Zayn smiles, plopping of Liam's lap. Just drowning in how lucky he is to have Liam.

780 words

And that's Ziams ending for you. Awe I'm actually in love with Ari and she ain't even really.

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