Its Not What It Looks Like.

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Writing two books at once isn't as hard as I though it would be. Still trying to finish my 'Drarry smut' lmao enjoy the chapter. Also I'm just going to say when ever it's Liam or Zayns POVs just know it might get a little hot.

Chapter 22

Zayn POV

I sit up really fast but quickly fall back down. A sharp pain runs up my back and I let out a little squeak. I hear the bed next to mine shift. I sit up slowly and wince at the little sharp pains. I grab my phone and check my text messages.

From Harry: 'How was it?!? Give me details!!!! 😏😉👅'


From Calum: 'Where were you last night? 😘'

I cringe a little at the messages before one catches my eye.

From Liam: 'last night was fun...'

My face feels hot as I click on the text read it ten times before setting my phone down. I stand up and walk over to the dresser. If I limp a little the pain isn't as bad. I change my clothes and grab my phone.

I walk out of the dorm room and walk to my first class. My phone buzzes so I take out of my pocket.

From Liam: 'Janitors closet. Now.'

My face feels hot as I turn, making my way to our closet. I walk up to the door and knock twice. The door opens and I feel my arm get pulled forward.

I get pushed into the wall. My hands go straight into Liam's short soft hair. Liam looks at me, his eyes full of lust. I push his face towards mine and our lips collide. Instantly his tongue enters my mouth. He slots his legs between mine and I grind into it.

His hands slide under my shirt and down my pants. He squeezes my ass and I wince and jerk forward. Liam smiles into kiss and takes brings his hands up to my love handles.

'Are you sore?" He asks.

I move my face into his neck and start making a hickey. He lets out a little moan and rocks his hips forward. I bring my hips forward to meet his. We move our hips together as I kiss all over his neck.

I feel my phone buzz but I ignore it and pull Liam closer to me. My phone buzzes a couple times so I pull away from his neck a grab my phone. Liam's starts kissing my jaw, "Who is it?," He asks while pushing aside my shirt.

From Calum: 'Are you coming to class?'

From Calum: 'kinda boring without you?'

I shut off the phone and concentrate on Liam, "just Harry," I lie.

He hums, acknowledging that he heard me. He pulls up my shirt and flattens his tongue over one of my nipples. I moan Liams name as I lace my hands back into his hair. Liam pulls away and my hands are left with nothing.

Liam smirks at me as he straightens out his shirt and runs a hand through his hair. He opens the door and walks out without a word. My phone buzzes again, I let out a groan grabbing my phone.

From Calum: 'where are you?'

I roll my eyes, I really need to find him someone and someone soon.


*lunch time*

I grab onto my tray and go sit down next to Harry and Shawn. Harry is picking at his food and Shawn shoved his plate away, biting his nails. Shawn looks up and instantly starts talking, "Okay guys listen," Harry jerks his head up and looks at Shawn, "Okay so at the party Niall and I danced. We had fun. Then he asked me out."

My mouth drops open and I pat the table and say, "what did you say?!?"

He smiles at his hands, "yes. I mean I never thought of him as more of a friends. But then I started thinking and- and I kinda wanna try it out. See if it works."

Harry runs a hand through his hair and he claps his hands. He excitedly starts talking, "when are going? Where are you going? Was he embarrassed? Oh and Zayn how was the sex?"

I feel my face flush and I smack Harry's head, "you prick! I don't want the whole world to fucking know!"

Shawn smacks my arm and whisper-yells, "with who?!?"

My face gets ten shades darker. I cover my face with my hands and mumble Liam's name. Shawn dramatically cups his hand by his ear, "who?"

Harry s mouth drops open but I quickly shove my hand over his mouth, knowing he will yell out something stupid. "Liam," I hiss at Shawn.

His mouth opens but nothing come out. I remove my hand from Harry's mouth slowly before saying, "we can talk about this later. When nobody's around."

They nod their heads eagerly. I look at Harry, "anything happening with you."

I watch his smile disappear from his face and he looks away, "Nothing." He mumbles.

I roll my eye, "we know when you're lying. Just tell us."

I unwrap the sandwich I got and take a bite. I feel someone come plop next to me. I turn my head and see Calum. He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I sit awkwardly and look at Shawn and Harry. They smile at me before Shawn looks at his phone, "Niall wants to meet up. I gotta go!"

I look at Harry and he coughs before just standing up and leaving. I feel the arm around me tighten so I just sigh. I look up and see Liam staring at us, he just turns around and walks out of the cafeteria. I take Calum's hand off of me, "Calum," I say and he looks up at me, "I think we should just be friends. I, um, like you but I don't think that it will really work out."

His face turns red and he looks down at his hands, "did I do something wrong?"

My eyes widen, "oh! No! You were really nice I just don't think that I'm right for you. I'm just a heart breaker. But your heart is so big that I couldn't hurt it. We can still be friends?"

He presses his lips in a straight line before nodding slowly. I stand up and touch his shoulder gently, "I have to get to music. But I'll talk to you later?"

He nods so I make my way out of the cafeteria and to the music room. I walk in and see Louis sitting with his hood on. Liam has his head phones in and is looking at his phone. Shawn and Niall are talking to each other quietly. I walk up and plop down next to Shawn.

Harry walks in and Louis' head jerks up. I see pain fall over his face and he looks back down. Class starts and I block out everything. Just losing myself  in my thoughts.


I start to walk back into the dorms after a long day off school. I stop at the door I've been waiting to see all day and knock a couple times. After a second or two the door opens and I see a tired looking Liam. "What?" He snaps.

My eyes widen, "what crawled up your ass?"

He sneers at me, "you didn't tell me you were dating that Calum guy? I don't know how long you've been dating? For all I fucking know you were dating him while I fucked you. So don't talk to me because I don't want to talk to a cheater," and with that he slams his door shut.

My mouth drops open and I reply weakly to the door, "I'm not dating him."

1296 words or something.

I'm on a writing spree. Early update I think. I don't know. Hope you enjoyed!!

 Hope you enjoyed!!

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