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This one is for @Jillian0202 thanks for voting for my story! You're a babe!

Chapter 32

Niall POV

"Okay class so today we will be going on a hike. So I hope you're ready for a long ride ahead." Mr. Corden says.

I grip the straps of my backpack, all these girls are wearing booty shorts and tank tops that show off their boobs. They keep biting their lip and batting their eyes at us boys. A girls walks up to us, smiling brightly. Shawn and I try to ignore her, keeping our conversation going. When ever Shawn would say something she would giggle loudly, giving me a headache.

Finally after the twentieth time when she giggled over literally nothing, Shawn whips around and looks at her with raised eyebrows. She bites her lip, twirling her hair between her fingers. Shawn grabs my face planting a kiss on my lips in front of her, her face falls fast. She awkwardly walks away.

I giggle a little, kissing him again. I hear a groan from behind me so I turn around. Harry and Zayn are sitting there fake gagging. I roll my eyes, bringing my hand around Shawn's waist. "The buses are here!" Someone yells.

I lace my hands into Shawn's and we walk out to the bus. I walk up the steps of the bus, making my way to the back of it. I run my hands across the tops as I sit down in the very back. Shawn sits down next to me. I watch Liam and Zayn fall into the seat in-front of us, they look really loved up like they can't keep their hands off each other.

I put my head over the seat, looking at them. I cluck my tongue, both of them jerk their heads towards me. "So... you two?" I ask.

They both nod their heads, "We good now." Zayn says.

"You guys seem more then okay," I tease. Causing them both to blush greatly. I move back, wrapping my arms around Shawn, pulling him to my chest. He places a hand on my knee, tracing patterns with his fingers. I cranes his head to kiss me. I move my lips with his, trying not to get carried away but it's kind of hard when you have a boyfriend as pretty as mine.

"Psst." I roll my eyes, squeezing Shawn's hip. I pull away from him, looking over at Zayn. He smiles innocently, "Do you have a notebook?" He asks.

"Yeah," I mutter while bending over and unzip it. I pull out a notebook and a couple pencils. I shove them at Zayn, he smiles at me. I move back, closing my eyes. Shawn leans his back to my chest.


"Wake up baby," Shawn says, shaking me gently. I groan loudly while stretching out my body. I put my hat on, standing up. Half the people are already off the bus. I sit up quickly, grabbing my backpack as we walk off the bus.

I fan my face with my hand it's so hot. The sound of feet on gravel as we walk over to the beginning of the trail, people are standing in front of it. "Hey guys! You'll be splitting in groups of seven or eight! Then we'll assign you to your assistant," a lady in the front yells.

We all get into our groups that we usually are in. People are starting to walk up to our groups. Two girls walk up to us, both of them not looking interested in talking to us. "Hi," the girl with a hat says, her brown hair is pulled in a pony, she's wearing jean overalls with a white shirt under it, light brown hiking boots, she's tall and skinny. The other girl is also tall dirty blonde hair, she has leggings and a short sleeve on.

"I'm Amber," the girl with the brown hair says, "and this is Arisa." She motions to the other girl, Arisa smiles and waves. "What's y'alls names?" Amber asks.







Amber nods her head looking at Arisa, "I'm done talking. You say the rules," Amber says.

"Okay. Make sure you stay in a group. Do not wander off. This is a exercise to work with a group," she says.

"Where are we?" Zayn asks. Ambers dark eyes flicker over to him. "Camp friendship," she mutters.

"Also. Please don't complain. I'd rather not hear that. No fighting. No physical contact. No PDA either. I'd rather not see that. We decided to be dumb and sign up for this summer camp crap for senior year and I with I never did that," Amber adds.

We all nod our heads. "Keep your lunches by the gate right there," she says pointing to the metal fence by the road. We run over there and place our lunches down. I turn around waiting for further instructions. Amber and Arisa is already waiting across the road. We run across the road to them.

We walk down one of the trails while Amber talks, "we will be playing a game  every now and then. When I say 'floor is lava' you need to get off ground as fast as you can."

I smile, thinking of the little kid games we will be playing. We get over to this tire swing, hoola hoops are leaning against the tree. Arisa briefly explains the rules. We start playing, all of us are trying to fit inside of a hoola hoop, making the girls laugh. We are all smiling and laughing loudly. We walk to another place, sitting on logs.

"Okay. Now we are going to say something cool about ourselves," Arisa says, "I'll go first. I'm a Libra."

Amber pipes up, "I'm a lesbian," she says but then bursts out laughing at our faces, "I'm kidding! That's not what I was going to say. I'm obsessed with books." Arisa snickers, "she's not joking."

We go in the circle just saying fun things. "Okay. We are going into a deeper part of the woods. I need you to stay together and if you go off make sure you tell someone," Amber demands.

I nod my head, we walk deeper in the woods, having a conversation with the girls. "Who's your favorite celebrity?" Arisa asks.

"Em. I like the Jonas Brothers," I say, Shawn agrees.

"Mm. I like Nina Dobrev," Amber says. We talk like this for about an hour before Zayn says, "where is Louis and Harry."

Amber and Arisa sigh loudly, "this happens every time," Arisa says.

"HARRY! LOUIS!" Liam yells. We all start yelling their names hoping they will hear us.


1110 words

I'm back for the week. Then I'm going for the week. Oof. I'll try to update again today or tomorrow.

Smile 😁, Gay 🏳️‍🌈, Live Life 💚💙,

Not Again~ Larry Ziam Shiall auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon