Chapter twelve

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Why do we even try?

Liam's POV

"Remember when Liam and I poured all the slime over you guys," Louis asks, walking in a circle. Harry rolls his eyes tiredly, we've been working in this finale prank for a couple weeks, Louis pushing all of us to our limits.

"How could I forget," Harry snaps, crossing his arms.

"Well. I was thinking we could do that, but. Glitter too," Louis says excitedly, clapping his hands. "You're obsession with glitter is terrifying Louis," Niall mutters, "we should get you some help with that."

"Hey." I say, "I think it's a great idea." Louis punches my shoulder and sloppily kisses my cheek. He grabs onto buckets and pours glitter and slime into them, looking back at us expectingly. I get up and grab onto some shirts. Zayn grabs some markers and paint, both of us stopping for a second. Our 'relationship' has been rocky, outside of our small hookups we argue, about everything. I've come to like the moments when it's quiet, the rest of our tension. When he's staring at me thoughtfully, not angrily, or when his fingers trace my tattoos, his jaw slacking and his fingers tightening around my arm as he comes.

My cheeks burn as I push the thought out of my head. My phone buzzing in my pocket, pulling me fully out of my thoughts. I pull the text from an unknown number, Zayn sliding up behind me as I watch the video. Ed's wiping pie off of his face, groaning loudly. Another text pops up '21-16' better catch up. I frown as the video plays over again. I look over at Zayn his eyes wide as he watches the video. I don't think I hate him, he still hates me. He reminds me every time his cock is down my throat. I don't want his forgiveness, I don't care for it. Zayn snaps in front of my face, I blink at him awkwardly.

"I'm sorry what?"

He rolls his eyes, "once an ass always and ass. I asked what happened."

My mouth opens, trying to explain myself, his finger goes over my mouth and he shrugs. "I guess we have to find a way to get into their house," he says before I answer. I close my mouth, trying not to smile behind Zayns finger.

Louis looks up, "I've got that covered. Bebe's having a party in two days. And we all know Nick and his friends would never miss a big party."

I finish drawing on the shirt, leaning back and admiring my work. Everyone else already resting around the room. I crawl over to the carpet, looking at everyone. Niall running his fingers across Shawn's back and he watches his phone. Shawn smiles and tiles his head forward as Niall scratches up his neck. The back of my chest burning as I watch them freely touch each other, no anger. I look away, Harry is on his back his eyes closed. I watch Louis shift, his mouth set in a straight line as he looks up Harrys. It's annoying at much as Louis stares, I don't even think he realizes he's doing it.

I feel a pair of eyes on me, burning the back of my neck, I try to ignore it, staring at my Lock Screen. I glance up, Zayns tongue darting out, wetting his lips. His teeth soon replacing his tongue as he watches my hands on my phone. He smirks at me, I shift uncontrollably under his gaze.

I hear Louis clear his throat and we break eye contact both looking at him. He clears his throat again, "just fuck already. Gross."

I don't even think before I say, "says you."

Louis's eyes narrow, "what are you talking about."

I get a burst of confidence and smirk, "you've been eye fucking Harry for these past few weeks."

Harry sits up and blinks at me, I shrug my shoulder and turn away from Louis. I hear some shuffling then Louis grabs my shirt, tugging me up. I shove him away, my fists curling tightly, my nails biting into my palms, blood forming underneath. Zayn runs over to Louis, trying to grab his shoulder, Louis jerks away, "don't touch me fag."

"Do you always have to fuck everything up?" Niall snaps, trying to walk towards Louis, "do you always have to make everything about you? You're so fûcking selfish Louis." Shawn grabs Niall's arm, he instantly relaxes, backing up a little. "Cmon," Shawn mutter, walking Niall toward the door.

"You're a piece of shit Louis," Niall says calmly, "you leave a trail of destruction because you can't see what's really happening. Grow up."

The door slams as they leave, I turn back to Louis. "He's right," I mutter, "you're over reacting."

Louis shoves me hard, Zayn quickly grabs me, his hands resting on my hips to keep me balanced. I try to swing a punch or just some kind of damage. But Zayn pulls me to his chest, trapping my arms down, I struggle against him.

"Fûck all of you," Louis sneers and walks out the door. I open my mouth but Zayn runs a hand down my arm, soothing a little bit of the anger. Harry stares at us before running out of the room. I breath hard, jerking away from Zayn.

"Liam," Zayn whispers, like a secret. I walk towards him, grabbing his waist tightly. He sighs and whispers my name again. I pull his towards me and rest my head against his shoulder, sliding my lips against his neck. He pushes his hips forward, I groan lowly, matching his grinds.

"I hate you," I whisper, nipping his throat. I tug his shirt off and kiss across his collarbones, my hand pushing against Zayns clothed cock.

Not Again~ Larry Ziam Shiall auWhere stories live. Discover now