Talking With Him

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*A81C7's POV*

I start my new job today, and Mor has spent an hour preparing me for the job. She has also assured me that I am definitely ready and I will do good at work today. Mor is a very good friend. Mor also started teaching me to drive. It is not too difficult, and if I ever ended up in serious danger while driving I do believe that I would gain information helping me. I usually gain information while in danger if it can help me. Driving is nice, I actually enjoy it some. It is quite like the free feeling I get when picking out my own food when I want it. It is nice.

Mor helps me a lot. I do owe a great debt to her. It is good that she helps me, I thank her a lot but she does not like being thanked. She asks me not to, she says that she is my friend and that is What friends do. I will always help her if I can in return. That is why I will keep her safe from the wolf men. I will always be there for her if I can.

I start 30 minutes later than Mor so I am currently just waiting to start work, since I came with Mor and she didn't want to be late, reasonably.

I am a little bit nervous to start my first day at my first job, but with how much support I have received from Mor I am sure that I will do quite alright.

My shift is about to start so I walk across the street. I do not see any of the wolf men but they are likely around somewhere. They always are.

I walk into the coffee shop and begin my shift by cleaning the countertops and tables. I then make sure that all of the equipment is properly set up and cleaned. Just then, someone walks into the shop. It is a teenage girl. I greet her, like Mor has instructed me to many times while I was nervous about my first day at this job.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" I ask the girl.

"You're new" she states.

That is not an order. I am new. I do not understand why she felt the need to point that out. Did I do something wrong? I don't think I did.

"Yes I am. It is my first day of work here" I state.

"I come everyday at this time and order the same drink. The people who work here all know my order" The girl says.

"Well I do not due to the fact that I just started working here. What is your order?" I question the girl.

"I want a large caramel latte with cream and sugar, and a blueberry muffin" the girl says.

"Okay, I will get that right away" I tell the girl. I then walk over and make the girls order. I hand it to her and she smiles a little, before walking away.

My boss comes out and she looks happy. Audrey looks at me and smiles wider.

"You did so well!" She says.

"Thank you, I think? I just did what I am supposed to for my job, since I now work here" I reply.

"No honey, Bella can be a real handful. She doesn't like it when people don't know her order, you didn't even get mad at her" Audrey says.

"Well I just served her, it was nothing" I tell Audrey.

"Sweetie, you're an amazing worker. I'll let you get back to work, come get me if you need me" She states, then leaves.

A new customer comes through the door, and I cannot believe my eyes. It's him. The worst of the two wolf men who are watching me, and he is gorgeous. He looks so good, I did not know anyone could look that good, but he still has been stalking me. He is a bad guy and his looks cannot change that. He could hurt me.

"H-hello sir, how may I help you today?" I ask him, stammering slightly.

"Hey, I'd like a large iced coffee, with a side of you" he says.

What? What is he, is he... Flirting. What is flirting. I swear I sometimes gain the most useless information. Wait no... He likes me. This still does not help! I am well aware he likes me. He spends all his time watching me. Stupid useless gaining information.

"Okay" I reply, completely unsure as to what a proper response would be. I am not coffee. I make his coffee, then set it on the counter.

"Here you go sir. Goodbye" I tell the man.

"Wait, your name, what is your name?" He asks.

"I am wearing a name tag" I state while pointing.

"Yeah, but your name tag only says A. What's your name, mine is Nathan but I like to be called Nate" he for some reason.

Nate is a nice name, but this man, this wolf man is my stalker.

"I am A. Just A" I respond.

"But that is your name?" He asks again. He looks agitated. He might try to hurt me. I need to get him away.

"I go by A. A is my name sir. Would you please sit down or exit the building, I have some work I must complete" I state, trying to stay calm. It is almost impossible with him here, and he has decided to sit in the closest possible seat. I don't know how I'm going to make it to the end of this shift.

I said I would never use my abilities, but this man is testing me. I wish I knew the effects on werewolves. I just never want someone to know what I am, because I hate it. I hate that part of myself. No person needs power like I have, but here I am. Forced to have it. I hate controlling people, I feel it is absolutely wrong, but I am cursed with it. I am what I am because of those evil people.

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