chapter twenty-four

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"Guys, guys, guess what!?" Chaeyoung asked excitedly as she ran towards the lunch table that everyone else was sitting at.

"Whoa, Chaeng, did you OD on the mocha's again?" Lisa asked, eating a muffin.

"Yea, Chaeyoung, why the jumpiness?" Jisoo spoke up.

Chaeyoung slid in beside Jennie at the table and stole one of her potato chips from the bag in front of the brunette. Jennie quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Girlfriend privileges," Chaeyoung said with a 'duh' expression on her face.

"Hey, that means I get Lisa's food too," Seulgi said with a pleased smile and grabbed her girlfriend's muffin from her hands.

Lisa looked between her empty hands and the muffin for a minute before sighing in defeat.

"Thanks for that, Chaeyoung," she scowled.

"No problem," Chaeyoung replied, still perky.

"So tell us your news..." Jennie said, handing the entire bag of chips over.

Chaeyoung happily started eating, talking through bites.

"So my teacher comes up to me after English and like asks me to come to his office and I'm like, uh oh, what the hell did I do? So I follow him and sit down and everything and he's like, so, our computer teacher is going away on maternity leave and we can't find anyone to replace her. So he asks me! I get to teach a class! To students!"

"Babe, that's fantastic!" Jennie said, wrapping her arms around the blonde.

In the month since Chaeyoung's distressing/accidental coming out to her parents and the subsequent rekindling of a semblance of a relationship with her parents, or father at least, the blonde had been happier than ever. As well as her and Jennie getting to be alone together as much as they could and getting to hang out with her friends, generally just laughing together, she had also been progressing through the ranks of the all-state debate competition and had gotten into the final, which was scheduled for three months away, in May, so she still had time to prepare. Jennie had dutifully been to every single debate since that first one in October and was full of pride that her girlfriend was going into the final. She had no doubt she'd wipe the competition away there.

"Way to go," Lisa piped up, "Does this mean you can give detentions?"

"Uh...I dunno. I'll ask. But even if I can't, I still get to teach!"

"I hope they're paying you," Seulgi remarked.

"Yea, Chaeng, what's the cash-flow like?" Jisoo asked.

"Um, it'll count for college credits. And like, experience. Plus, I get out of Gym."

"You're leaving me on my owJennie?" Tara pouted; not really seriously, she was delighted her girlfriend had made such an achievement.

"Sorry, baby," Chaeyoung replied, genuinely apologetic.

"Don't be. I'm so proud of you."

Chaeyoung grinned and leaned over for a chaste kiss.

"I start on Tuesday. I'm so excited," she continued gushing to the gang.

Jennie smiled and listened to her girlfriend as the beginning of an idea started to form in her head.


Jennie looked through the doorway of the computer room and smiled when she saw Chaeyoung sitting behind a desk, flicking through a notebook. The blonde had called her up in a panic the night before, saying she had nothing 'teachery' to wear. A quick consultation between both theirs and Jisoo's wardrobe had resulted in the outfit she was currently wearing, her own black pants that fit her perfectly, a simple white blouse of Jennie's and a black vest shirt of Jisoo's that all combined made, what Jennie thought, a very hot outfit that Chaeyoung was totally rocking.

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