𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃

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This one kinda makes me soft, enjoy :')

They Don't Know About Us
0:47 ───|────── 2:35
|◁ II ▷|
∞ ↺
▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ 100 %

Ethan brought Emma onto his lap on the sturdy chair he sat on that overlooked the city. He'd impulsively booked them into a hotel to get away from everyone because he missed her.

The sky was dark but the street lights still flickered all sorts of colours, it was a beautiful array of oranges and red mixed with a warm yellow tone between the dark abyss.

Ethan leant his chin in the crook of Emma's neck and she brought her hand up to run her fingers through his tousled locks, nuzzling her cheek into him. His hand traced patterns upon her arms as they both stared out onto the bustling city.

"I love you"

Blurted Ethan, still shocking Emma even after the months of them exchanging those three words. It still gave her butterflies, it still made her heart flutter and her eyes well up.

"I love you too"

She whispered back, linking her fingers in with his. They fit perfectly, everything always did. They were meant to be together, that's what they believed anyway. But the fans, no, they weren't so on board.

"So I don't wanna wait any longer"

Emma let go of a shaky breath, she knew it needed to happen because she physically couldn't keep going into public without holding his hand. Distancing herself from him was so hard when all she wanted to do was kiss him right then and there.

"I just wanna tell the world that you're mine"

The pair took their eyes off of the city and instead attached themselves to each other, first with their eyes and then with their lips.

The kiss was short and sweet and meaningful, as were all of them. Emma loved that, every time they kissed she felt loved, like she belonged there with him.

Every kiss it gets a little sweeter.

"I want to, E, but you know they won't like it"

The pain in Emma's voice really affected Ethan so he brought up his hand to caress her cheek softly. He just wanted her to be happy all the time, to have that contagious smile on her face 24/7.

Emma being a month short of eighteen knew she couldn't do it, she wasn't old enough yet, the fans would not be happy.

At that age Emma couldn't possibly know who she loved, thats what they all said, too young to know about forever.

Ethan tried to keep it light hearted and placed a cheeky kiss on her cheek which made her giggle. He loved when she laughed, she deserved to be laughing constantly.

"I bet you if they only knew. They would just be jealous of us"

Ethan joked and Emma buried her head into his chest and giggled. Of course they were going to be jealous Ethan was the most good looking person Emma had ever laid eyes on.

She loved him, contrary to what everyone else said.

They didn't know what when on behind closed doors,

They didn't know that Ethan was the only person that could calm her when the stress got too much,

They had no idea that when Emma would have break downs in the middle of the night that Ethan would drive round with a coffee,

They didn't know that Emma had never felt like this with anyone before, that the butterflies she felt when he said her name still carried on after almost half a year of him being with her,

They had no clue about the conversation they had about the future or the baby names they'd picked out, or the houses they had started to subtly look at.


There it was again, Emma's heart beating out of her chest just at the sound of his voice saying her name. Such an insignificant thing that she was never to take for granted.

"I've waited all my life, Just to find a love that feels this right"

Emma wanted to squeal with how cute he was but instead she pressed her forehead against his and sent him a smile that showed off her blushed cheeks.

"One more month"

Emma whispered presenting her pinky finger, Ethan took ahold of it with his own pinky and brought it to his lips.

"One more month, baby"

He repeated.

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