𝑀𝓎𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝒞𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓇𝑜𝓃

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This is my first request and my oh my was I happy about it. I really love this concept and I hope u do too because it's one of my faves.

(ft Elysiamaiden dohlxcham )
0:03 ───|────── 3:40
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Ethan's head hit the pillow and everything around him disappeared.

He had this one dream where he had hold of this girl's hand he was running through a meadow. She giggled and her hair flowed in the wind, her arms outstretched as she brushed the flowers around her.

She held a yellow flower behind her ear and it suited her so well.

It was then that he decided that yellow was her colour, it matched the sun and the warmth she brought to him, it matched her personally bright and pretty.

In another dream she laid upon his chest under the shade of a palm tree, the waves lapping upon the shore. Her fingers tapped a soft tune on his abs, her nails were painted yellow.

The mangoes they had collected on their walk down to the beach peeped out of the bag they brought. They too were bright and yellow.

The air was fresh and crisp and the sun beat down upon the sand, making it warm to touch. Ethan felt content and let out a soft sigh of bliss.

Another one night was where they'd gone for a walk through the park on a seemingly warm day only to be drenched in rain seconds after leaving.

The girl begged for Ethan to have fun and not go back home, he couldn't say no and instead he ran through the droplets, his arms spread a smile upon his face.

She giggled and bent over, her wet hair pressed against her forehead in a way that still made her look absolutely gorgeous.

People looked at them like they were crazy, they all passed through the park with yellow raincoats and yellow wellingtons with yellow umbrellas.

The rain washed them of any unhappiness and left them so good.

There were other ones where the pair went to the movies and sat on the back row, they ordered popcorn from the yellow containers and kissed in the darkness.

Even her lips tasted of yellow.

They'd go on trips in the car, they wouldn't bring a map but would instead see where life took them. She'd play music and wave her arms out of the open windows.

Sometimes Ethan would help her on to the roof and he'd drive with her sat there, the wind blowing her hair backwards with her eyes closed so content and with a happy smile upon her face.

She'd laugh and sing as loud as possible as they passed through roads in the centre of yellow corn fields and Ethan would watch in awe.

On occasions she'd leave him a vase in the middle of their table a note propped at its base, she'd write him words of love and joy.

The flowers in the vase always a beautiful yellow colour sometimes sunflowers other times there were thousands of daisies.

The note was always written in a sparkly gel pen, many kisses signed off at the very end but no words could put forward how much he loved her.

The words she wrote rhymed and flowed smoothly and sometimes when he closed his eyes, he was able to listen to how she'd say it.

If he could stay in this yellow dream forever he would but soon his alarm clock would awaken him and he'd be brought back to his world of grey.

He'd pass through his day, his heart heavy and his mind clouded with thunderstorms.

His anxiety wanting for him to retreat back to his bed where beneath his quilts and within his pillows he could dream of her and everything could be brightened once again.

Nothing's perfect, no, but she was.

His desk job was dull, his clothes were dull, his mind was dull. He longed to be as warm as he was when he was enveloped in that one colour.

It always seemed to rain, but not the rain he ran through with her, no the rain that felt like thousands of tiny knives each stabbing his skin and breaking his heart.

He'd sit at his desk and day dream about flowers and mangoes while files stacked up in front of him, depression like a heavy brick he carried around on his back constantly.

He wondered if when he died he'd live in yellow forever, whether he'd live with her forever.

He'd asked for a sign, anything.

A file was passed towards him as he sat at his desk but instead of it slapping upon the desk it stayed in the air waiting to be taken softly.

Ethan thought that the new employee mustn't have known about how things worked when it came to him and his desk.

But that's when he saw it.

His eyes flickered over the milk skinned hand and he couldn't pull himself away from looking because the girls nails were painted yellow.

His eyes trailed up to the girl, she looked familiar and held a contagious smile, it radiated happiness.

"I'm Emma, I'm new around here"

Ethan's heart swelled, there she was right in front of him.

His sign.

His yellow.

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