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If you haven't listened to R5 I'd advise you to whip up Spotify rn and play literally any of their albums

If I Can't Be with You
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Ethan and Grayson had been well known from a pretty young age, they wouldn't exactly have said that they were famous because they really disliked that word but nevertheless they were.

The twins only knew those that were popular too, each of their friends already being in the public eye for being some sort of star.

Bryant, their best friend, was a well known photographer and had quite the reputation with people blessed by fame.

They hung out with internet stars, and singers with groupies and each girl they had previously dated was either a model or an actress.

Long story short the twins were popular and those that hung with them were also equally as well known.

Well that was apart from Emma.

Emma had never been any sort of influencer, in fact, no one apart from her school friends knew who she was. She was a nobody, with no talents and yet somehow still someone with thousands of ties to the world of stars.

She had met the twins at a local coffee shop, not in a cliché way but mainly because their schedules over lapped and with her usual school uniform the boys were drawn to her as a person their own age.

The twins hadn't gone to school for years, home schooling meant they still had the highlights of hanging with the important people without having to socialise with those that were irrelevant.

Emma thought they were A* fuckboy's but with Grayson's kindness, Ethan's humour and their incredible good looks she was drawn to be their friend.

"Knock knock, it's taking you too long to open your door and if you don't let me in I'm going to break it off the hinges and beat your assssss"

Emma sang through the open window next to the front entrance, but she got no reply so she proceeded to shout,

"Ethannnnn I'm gonna stamp on your fucking xbox if you don't open up"

It took Ethan less than two seconds to open up the door shirtless, his hair kind of ruffled. It took Emma a brief second to shut her gaping mouth to not show how much she was oggling at his abs.

"Sorry, Ems"

His deep voice always gave Emma the chills, his nickname for her making her heart happy.

"We had some of the bros round and we didn't hear the door"

Emma looked down at her outfit, she was wearing a pair of mom shorts paired with a short cropped shirt exposing her stomach. She didn't want to be this exposed in front of their friends knowing that they were all famous.

"Oh, We can hang another time, E"

Ethan flustered just at the sound of her calling him that, his excitement almost making him miss his chance to beg for her to stay.

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