𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒾𝓅𝑒𝓈

933 44 24

A happier one to counteract my last chapter. I love and appreciate u all, I'm really lucky to have u

We're Going to Be Friends
(ft lesbian_excellence )
0:18 ───|────── 2:04
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The bell rung out through the neighbourhood as the orange and red leaves fell upon the ground coating it in a mixture of coffee and rust. The children's loud yells we're audible from every window.

Ethan's mother had bought a new pair of shoes for him but she knew they weren't lasting the fall. She'd packed him with his lunchbox. His pens and books neatly placed in his backpack.

Emma despite wearing a dress and what her mommy had said, hiked herself up and over Ethan's back fence, she too held a backpack littered with loose pens and pencils and the new erasers she had acquired.

"Cmon Dolly"

Emma had shouted using the nickname she had given him last semester. Dolly was short for Dolan but also used as a homage for the Dolly he massacred the first time they met.


Ethan skidded through his kitchen towards the door when he toppled into Emma, only just being able to catch himself from face planting.

Ms Dolan watched as the pair, with backpacks bigger than their bodies, danced down the road next to each other.

The pair had to cross through the park, Emma had pointed out a large oak tree that she wished to climb and with no concept of time they had stopped under its shade.

Emma's dress was already in a mess, her long socks were ruffled down by her ankles and her knees were worn and bleeding, not that she noticed at all.

Ethan picked upon a worm and dangled it between his thumb and his index finger, chasing Emma as she ran and squealed. She often tripped over the large oak tree roots but Ethan never caught her.

The pair, once collected all the bugs they could find, broke out into a steady jog to school. Ethan bragging about his brothers cool dinosaur model and Emma speaking excitedly about the erasers she had collected in all sorts of colours and shapes.

They arrived at school, surprisingly on time. Their uniforms caked in mud from chasing all the ants and worms.

The teacher ushered the pair inside with a tut, ordering them to clean themselves up. The soap and bubbles overflowed the sink and the gruesome twosome arrived to class half drenched and in full hysteria.

Numbers, letters, learn to spell, Nouns, and books, and show and tell.

Ethan despite the looks from the boys offered Emma to join at playtime, they played throw and catch, the ball bouncing both away and towards them.

Emma crossed her legs, she was laughing that much about the ball hitting Ethan's nose that she was sure she was about to pee herself.

The familiar bell halted their play and off they skipped back inside, the teacher watched as they giggled and creased.

The height board showed that Ethan stood not much further above Emma, though at first she did cheat upon her tip toes.

Inseparable, the pair sat side by side in every class. The teacher tried to quieten them down telling Ethan that it was time to learn.

Of course he didn't listen.

Emma mid-class broke out into song, Ethan found her voice angelic as did the teacher who praised her performance instead of reprimanded even though she was an interruption.

The class bled out once the bell signalled go and the teacher waved them off towards the parents.

Ethan with Emma in-hand exited the building to spot his mother a cheery smile upon her face, she had tight grip upon the shoulder of his brother and he waved exaggeratedly towards him.

Emma turned to Ethan, mud was still smudged across her cheek but after the time it had dried. She reached out her hand and Ethan took it in a shake as she said,

"I can tell that we are going to be friends"

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