𝑀𝒶𝒾𝓈𝒾𝑒 𝒫𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈

680 39 18

This one is really pretty and poetic I hope u enjoy bc I did <3

Place We Were Made
(Ft meloches )
0:43 ───|────── 2:22
|◁ II ▷|
∞ ↺
▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ 100 %

Grayson drove down the long and winding road, the air running through his hair leaving it in its floppy state. To his right sat his brother a cigarette loose between his lips, the smoke bellowing out of his mouth and into the sky.

Going home was always enjoyable, back with their family they felt safe and secure, much happier and light hearted. They missed it when they left and returning was always a relief.

Though on return Ethan was left knowing that he was either too early or too late, the girl he would come back for would've already visited and left.

The twos paths never seemingly crossing.

He'd returned back to his bad ways, smoking being his escape. He smoked to choke the feeling of loneliness and when his head was filled with tobacco everything turned to fog.

The car skidded into their family homes driveway, the more feeling of relief the further Grayson pulled in.

Their mother ecstatic to see them as always, yet disappointed to smell the smoke on her oldest sons clothes. Their hug was brief, she couldn't stand to inhale his depression for too long.

The hall was still exactly how it was when they left, the pictures still framed, the memories still there. Grayson slung his arm around his brothers neck, he hoped the trip would sort out his head.

"This is the place we were made"

And Grayson didn't mean it literally, in fact he'd rather die than hear about how the two were conceived. He actually meant that this was the home they grew up in, the neighbourhood that watched them grow.

From Ethan's bedroom window he had the best view. To his left just in the distance was the beach, one that held so many memories for the boy specifically in his teenage years. On his right was a field, ones with trees he used to climb and grass he used to star gaze on.

But the best part of his view was the street lamp in front of him and the house that stood behind that. A house he was sure to never forget. If he closed his eyes tight enough he could still see as she waved through her mirroring window at him with a smile.

That's when he noticed the car, a silver Mercedes in the drive. It felt like it had been screaming for him to see it the whole time he had been here.

It was a miracle, she was home.

Grayson moved to one side on the stairs as his brother bounded down it, missing steps and hurtling forward towards the front door and into the cold.

Ethan banged on the door harder than he had ever before, he couldn't withhold his excitement and when Emma opened the door he was quick to pull her into a bear hug.


She shouted squeezing his torso like it was her life line, she'd missed these hugs from him and she didn't plan on letting go for quite some time.

"You're home"

Ethan grinned after pulling away to look at how she'd grown, a real lady stood before him not the teenager he once loved, but he didn't mind. He'd probably matured a lot too, more muscles, deeper voice.

"I thought I'd never see your goofy grin again"

She laughed cupping his cheek with one of her hands, he nuzzled into it like a cat and truthfully he almost purred in bliss. Her touch made him feel so much better,

Oh how he had missed her.

She offered for him to come in but he'd asked if she wanted to go down to the beach and for old times sake she stole a gin from her fathers drinking cabinet and followed Ethan down the road.

They sang and laughed, the bitter wind feeling nicer against their cheeks after years of not feeling it at all. The sun just on the brink of setting they arrived at the beach, it was bare and quiet.

The lapping of the waves against the shore brought back so many memories and Emma closed her eyes to inhale the smell, Ethan found himself snaking his arms around her torso from behind.

"It's weird isn't it all we talk about is leaving"

It was true the pair had separated just as college started, each of them eager to start a new life. Too excited about other places to remember where they came from.

Emma knew every single crack in the sidewalk, it hadn't changed, the streetlights still stood even though their lights burned much lighter and their initials even after being worn down were still engraved in that love heart upon the beach wall.

Emma took a chug of the gin and passed it to Ethan wondering when the right time was to bring up about the aura that followed him around. She didn't want to pry but at the same time she still loved him.

"You started smoking again?"

Her voice almost broke as she said it, she'd pried him of those habits all those years back.

"I had no one to be my addiction"

A small joke they had between each other, the only way she had been able to coax him away from using the killing machines. She'd told him that instead of putting the cigarette to his lips, he should take her towards them instead.

Emma didn't know whether it was the alcohol moving her or whether it was emotions washing back from when they used to sit at the beach late night with the fire burning. But she kissed him.

At first it wasn't enjoyable she couldn't shake the taste from her mouth, but as he moved her whole body over and onto his lap she relaxed into his hold and finally his lips returned to their usual sweet taste.

Ethan had missed home, he'd missed his family and their house. He'd missed the weather and the landscape. He had definitely missed the late night talks and the dates he used to go on.

He missed Emma.

He missed being her boyfriend and being free to kiss her whenever he wanted. He missed holding her hand and stroking his thumb over her knuckles. He missed the way they moulded together or how she'd moan when he kissed her neck.

He was sure they were meant to be together, he had never felt feelings quite like when he was with her but the factors were against the odds and he knew that, that kiss could only last a couple of seconds before he needed to breath.

With her still straddled across his lap, he closed his eyes and pressed their foreheads together.

"All that I know is, No matter how far away, this is the place we were made"

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