Bitter Taste of Freedom

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Far to the southeast area of the Black Citadel is a mountain range where the ruins of what used to be a stronghold for the Shadowmoon Clan lies. After Illidan and his forces defeated Magtheridon to take control of Outland, Illidan ordered his laborers to build a large dungeon fortress over the Shadowmoon ruins. Upon the completion of the fortress, the remaining demon and fel orc forces of Magtheridon were brought within the dungeon as enslaved prisoners upon strongly refusing to serve the new Lord of Outland, Illidan. With Akama and his elite draenei warriors serving as the jailors inside the dungeon fortress; the imprisoned demons and fel orcs languish within their dark magically sealed prison cells daily, awaiting for whatever fate that may next come upon them all. Huge numbers of demons and fel orcs were slain when Illidan and his forces have invaded Outland to defeat Magtheridon, but the surviving demons and fel orcs are still vast enough to be a full army.

The demons, and the fel orcs are separated upon two different divisions of prison cells within the dungeon fortress. Altogether, the demons and fel orcs remain powerless inside their magical cells and would never be able to break free on their own, unless they are to be released by their jailors. It was but another day for the imprisoned demons and fel orcs when all of a sudden, Illidan made an unusual visit to the dungeon fortress. Upon his sudden visit, Illidan speaks with Akama about a certain unknown plan. By the end of the conversation, Illidan and Akama, along with the other draenei jailors, went into the dungeon chamber of the demon prisoners. Amongst the imprisoned demons is the elite doom guard, Arzeth the Merciless, former demon captain of Magtheridon and a loyal servant of the Burning Legion. Amongst the remaining demons of Magtheridon, Arzeth is the strongest living one next to the now deceased Master of Pain. Illidan walks onto the center of the dungeon and casts a magical spell on the cage of Arzeth, unlocking the doors and releasing the doom guard. Illidan begins to speak as he bargains with Arzeth and the other imprisoned demons.

Illidan: "I shall be keeping this short and straight for you, demons. I have shown my strength and power before you when I defeated your former master at the Black Citadel. I decided to spare each of your wretched lives in exchange for your allegiances, but you all foolishly refused. Now, I ask you once again, demons. Serve me, and you will all be freed from this prison. Fight for me, and you shall be rewarded... or would you all rather rot to death in these dungeons? What say you?"

Arzeth: "Do you think you can persuade us with your little bargain, elf demon hunter?! You think this petty dungeon fortress could hold us forever?! Lord Magtheridon may have been defeated, but we are the warriors of the Burning Legion! These lands are ours! Outland rightfully belongs to the Legion! You and your lapdogs deserve to burn by the flames, Illidan! Your petty bargains will not work on us, demon hunter! You are no ruler, nor a commander to us! You're just an arrogant fool!"

With Arzeth's statements against Illidan; the other imprisoned demons have begun laughing as an insult and mockery against Illidan. At that moment; Illidan suddenly bursts in anger, and viciously attack Arzeth. Despite the grievous injury upon his chest from the Frostmourne; Illidan is still able to move and battle effectively. Arzeth attempted to fight back against Illidan, but the demon stands no chance against the enraged demon hunter. Illidan killed Arzeth in just a short yet vicious battle. Illidan wants to show the other demon prisoners of what it means on mocking his own powers and superiority. The demon hunter channels his mana energies within, and casts a magical fire spell to burn the corpse of the dead doom guard into ashes. The once proud and strong Arzeth the Merciless is now nothing more, but mere remains of burnt ashes. Standing silently in pure rage, Illidan looks upon all the other imprisoned demons and sends his own clear message to them about defying him.

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora