The Serpent Lair

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Mephistroth and Kazzak continue working on their own operations and also reinforcing further the defenses of their own stronghold in Hellfire Peninsula. Despite the defeat of Teron Gorefiend from the hands of Illidan Stormrage, the forces of the Legion focus on moving accordingly to their plans as they will do whatever it needs to retake Outland from Illidan and his armies. The war on Outland continues as the warriors of the Legion battle against the forces of Illidan. Back on the outskirts of Zangarmarsh, Azgoth and Kargath prepare themselves to journey into the swamplands of the naga.

Expecting the heavily formidable defenses upon the naga capital, Azgoth and Kargath reassembles their armies before heading towards for Zangarmarsh, mustering the strongest of the demons upon their ranks. The forces of the Legion also establish their own new camp over the ruins of the second naga outpost to serve as the blockage to the pass leading to Zangarmarsh. A few hours later, Azgoth and Kargath finally reach the small tranquil swampland region of the Zangarmarsh. Teeming with life, Zangarmarsh is filled with healthy mushroom trees and pure waters. It is the home of some of the only surviving native wildlife in Draenor such as spore bats, fungal giants, and the doom beasts. In the middle of the tranquil swamplands stands the large and heavily fortified naga capital. Within the heart of the naga stronghold lies the fountain of magic that was created from the vial of eternity. The magical waters of the precious pool serve as the source of power for all of the naga on Outland.

Kargath: "The mystical pool lies deep in the heart of the serpent lair. Their defenses are all strongly built, and they will not give up that shrine easily. This shall be a one glorious battle, Lord Azgoth! We have made our plans of invading this stronghold ever since the beginning, and now comes the time that we finally put it into action. We shall be claiming the fountain shrine one way or another."

Azgoth: "This battle is truly worthy of our strength and powers! We must destroy every single one of our foes, and shatter their whole capital down to ashes! Let none survive our wrath and havoc!"

Azgoth and Kargath brought up a full force demonic army with them on Zangarmarsh. Assembling the strongest of the demons, which consist of overlords, fel ravagers, voidwalkers, eredar warlocks, and the fearsome doom guards. The forces of the Legion intend to make a one huge decisive assault upon the naga stronghold on Zangarmarsh. The vast naga warriors within the capital are composed of snap dragons, dragon turtles, couatls, naga myrmidons, naga sirens, and the powerful naga royal guards. The entire stronghold is also built with numerous fortified structures and defensive towers. Seeing the expected formidable defenses of the naga capital, the forces of the Legion show no fear as they prepare themselves for one massive war battle. Wasting no time, Azgoth and Kargath lead their demonic army to perform a fiercely heavy attack against the naga stronghold on Zangarmarsh.

The naga forces instantly fight back against the invading demons warriors in defense of their own capital. An intense heavy war battle occurs as many warriors from both the opposing sides start to fall upon the battlefield. Invading the naga stronghold is proving to be a quite difficult task for the forces of the Legion. However, with the combined might and power of Azgoth and Kargath leading their army, the forces of Legion are slowly being able to break through against the defenses of the naga. After a while of relentlessly vicious battling, Azgoth and Kargath eventually overwhelm the naga forces. All of the naga defenders have been killed, and majority of the structures in the capital have been razed. In the end, Azgoth and Kargath stand victorious as they successfully invaded the naga capital on Zangarmarsh, despite losing a lot of their demon warriors that fell during the battle. Azgoth and Kargath finally proceed on taking the coveted fountain of mystical waters of the naga.

Upon approaching the heart of the capital, Azgoth and Kargath are met by the one last naga warrior that is defending the stronghold. An enormous and incredibly powerful Naga Lord stands alone in the heart of capital, and is protecting the precious magical fountain shrine. The Naga Lord is called Naj'entus, and he is the high warlord of the naga in Zangarmarsh and the champion of Lady Vashj. Standing as a one strong force, Naj'entus shall not let anyone of the invaders get close to the shrine.

Naj'entus: "You shall go no further, you foul wretches! You mongrels have ruined our realm, but you will never take our very own rightful source of power! I shall destroy you both here and now!"

Kargath: "Let us see you try then! We have destroyed all your warriors here and brought this entire capital down to ruins! You are all what is left now! We will slaughter you, and claim that fountain!"

Azgoth: "Hold, Warchief Bladefist! Let me handle this one by myself! I shall be the one to destroy this serpent lord by my own blade! I sense great strength in him, and I do hunger for a good battle! I challenge you, serpent warlord! You have vast powers in you that are almost the same as of mine! Face me on a one-on-one battle! Let me show you why I am going to be the next Lord of Outland!"

Naj'entus: "Ash-thero-sauguine! Ba'anthalso-dorei! Bring it, pit lord! I shall crush you in the name of Lady Vashj! Lord Illidan is the only ruler of Outland now! You will fall, just like Magtheridon!"

At that moment, Azgoth and Naj'entus begins to fiercely clash against each other in what ought to be an epic colossal one-on-one fight between the two strong enormous beings. Meanwhile Kargath stands behind in a distance and watches closely the battle between Azgoth and Naj'entus. The two giants battle out against one another upon a vicious physical combat for a contest of brute strength, and resulted it with the two of them equaling one another. The two fighters then decide to use each of their magic spells against each other, as the two of them are not only physically strong, but also mystically powerful. The Pit Lord begins by letting loose a magically terrifying howl that instantly affects the attacks of his enemy. The Naga Lord replies back by throwing off a magic shard of ice called as Frost Bolt at the Pit Lord. Naj'entus then sends a magically gigantic crushing water wave at Azgoth. Enjoying in the intense battle, the Pit Lord casts down a Rain of Fire spell on Naj'entus.

Seeing the great power of Azgoth, Naj'entus summons two sea elementals to fight by his side. The Pit Lord continuously battle Naj'entus and his water minions, and is able to vanquished one of the sea elementals. Azgoth uses his most powerful spell of Doom upon the last elemental, afflicting it with a dark fiery curse that is manifesting a demon in it. The elemental afflicted by the Doom spell eventually perished, and from its remains, spawns out a temporal doom guard minion. Azgoth and his demon minion easily dominate Naj'entus in the battle. It did not take long before Azgoth finally defeats Naj'entus, and kills him with a last vicious strike of his own massive double-blade polearm. Now standing triumphant, Azgoth has successfully destroyed the powerful high warlord Naj'entus.

Kargath: "You have done it, Lord Azgoth! You vanquished the mighty serpent lord! Your strength and powers are supreme, Lord Azgoth! Like Magtheridon, you are a true fitting ruler for Outland!"

Azgoth: "Victory is mine! I just destroyed this creature with my very own powers! Though he was indeed quite strong and powerful, he still was not good enough against me! None can oppose me!"

Kargath: "And now that the naga lord has been defeated, it is time that we claim this fountain! All of the serpents are dead, and the pool is now ours! We have finally completed our mission in here!"

Azgoth: "Yes! The waters in the pool emanates great power, and it is all now ours to use! We have secured our victory in Outland, Kargath! There is nothing that Illidan and his lapdogs can do now!"

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