Death from the Old Dead

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Teron: "I heard that these serpents of Illidan are quite strong, and loathsome beings. Battling these creatures may prove to be fun, perhaps even more amusing than the draenei, or the Alliance dogs."

Upon finding the first naga outpost, Teron wastes no time as he leads his forces to attack the enemy camp. The outpost is being protected by the naga warriors, which consist of mur'gul reavers, snap dragons, dragon turtles, naga myrmidons and sirens. The naga base is also built with great fortified defenses. The naga warriors fight back against the forces of the Legion in the defense of their base.

Teron: "Long has it been since I've done this! Time to put my old spells into good use once more!"

Myrmidon: "So the reports are all true! We have been betrayed by the wretched demon and fel orc prisoners! Defend the camp at all costs! We must never let any of our enemies enter Zangarmarsh!"

Teron uses all his old powerful necromantic spells in battling the naga forces. Despite having good defenses and showing a good fight, the naga warriors are overwhelmed by the forces of the demons and fel orcs led by the veteran death knight. The forces of the Legion eventually defeated the naga defenders and razed their base down to ruins, while losing only several warriors in the battle. Upon destroying the first naga outpost, Teron and his forces proceed in finding the last base in the region.

Teron and his warriors eventually found the second naga outpost, and it is larger and more fortified than the first naga outpost. The second outpost protects the pass that leads directly to Zangarmarsh where the capital of the naga stands. The naga encampment is being heavily defended by a number of naga warriors. Wasting no time for pauses, Teron leads his army to aggressively attack the naga outpost. The naga warriors fight back against the demons and fel orcs in defense of their own base. Once more, Teron unleashes his dark powerful spells against the enemy forces upon the war battle. The naga warriors are intensely fighting back and their camp is built with tough defenses, however, the forces of the Legion have the numbers advantage and the dreadful necromantic spells of Teron are doing serious damages against the naga forces. After a time of intense battling, the demons and fel orcs eventually overwhelm and defeat the naga forces. Teron and his warriors finish their battle upon destroying the entire naga outpost. In the end, the forces of the Legion claim the victory upon razing the naga bases on the outskirts of Zangarmarsh, whilst losing moderate amounts of warriors.

Teron: "We secured this region! We shall be invading the serpent's capital on Zangarmarsh soon!"

A few moments later, as Teron Gorefiend stands victorious on a small hill, a storm of fire and fury envelops around him. Within the hellish flame and smoke sounded a sinister demonic voice, which began to speak with the death knight. The voice is none other than Kil'jaeden who now makes his presence to Teron. Kil'jaeden has been watching over the progress of his agents on the war against Illidan and his forces ever since the beginning. Pleased by the present successes of the demons and fel orcs on Outland, Kil'jaeden meets up with Teron for them to discuss about an important matter.

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now