Ruined Gates of the Abyss

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Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the Black Citadel at the very same time that Kazzak and his warriors had arrived on the northern borders of Hellfire Peninsula, Mephistroth and Kargath landed upon a ruined site that used to be fel orc camp within the region. Having been teleported there through the shimmering portal, Mephistroth and Kargath find themselves on a site with no available source of resources around for them to establish their own base. Looking for the chance for them to construct their own encampment, Mephistroth and Kargath begins to move out in a search for a suitable site.

Kargath: "This site used to be one of our holdouts until Illidan and his army destroyed it just when they were about to destroy the draenei village to the west. This site is now devoid of any resources."

Mephistroth: "No matter. With our warriors here, we have enough force to conquer one of the naga bases due east for us to claim their resources and build our new settlement over the remains of it."

Three major naga bastions stand around the region, and of which were mostly former fel orc camps that were part of Magtheridon's forces. All of the naga bases are greatly fortified, and are protected by naga warriors that consist of mur'gul reavers, naga myrmidons, snap dragons and dragon turtles. Mephistroth, Kargath and their large group of demon and fel orc warriors move against one of the naga encampments to the east of the region. The eastern naga base used to be the site of the fel orc base of the now deceased Fel Orc Blademaster Gorgosh. Upon reaching the naga base, Mephistroth and Kargath waste no time, and quickly lead their warriors in a fierce attack against the naga forces.

Mephistroth: "Come, Bladefist! Time for our first move! Let us make an example of these snakes!"

Kargath: "Death to Illidan and all of his servants! Chop! Chop them all down to pieces!"

Myrmidon: "We have been betrayed! The demon and fel orc prisoners are attacking! Quickly now, defend the base and slaughter them all! We must warned the other camps about their treachery!"

The demon and fel orc warriors led by Mephistroth and Kargath clash against the naga forces upon a vicious heavy war battle. The naga warriors are showing a good fight and their camp is built with good defenses. However, with the combined strength and powers of both Mephistroth and Kargath leading their warriors, the forces of the Legion have the upper hand in the fierce battle. The demons and fel orcs eventually defeat the naga forces and conquer their base. The forces of the Legion take the victory, whilst losing only a few warriors during the battle. Using the goldmine, Kargath sends his peons to construct their own new base over the naga ruins for them to marshal additional troops.

Upon the completion of the new base, Mephistroth and Kargath muster their own troops until they finally assembled a fully sized army of warriors, which consist of bloodfiends, hellhounds, fel orc grunts and raiders. Wasting no time for any dull moments, Mephistroth and Kargath lead their new assembled army to move out against the two remaining naga bases around the region. Heading for the western route, the forces of the Legion eventually reached the second naga camp. Located near one of the ruined dimensional gateways, the western naga base on the outskirts of the Black Citadel is the first camp that Illidan and his armies built when they have sought and sealed up the gateways. Mephistroth and Kargath lead their forces to unleash a full force attack upon the second naga camp.

Kargath: "Come, my brethren! Let show these serpents what the warriors of Legion are made of!"

Myrmidon: "The forces of Kargath Bladefist are here! Slay these foul traitorous brutes quickly!"

Like the previous camp, the second naga base is built with good fortifications, and is defended by the various naga warriors. The forces of the Legion fiercely clash against the naga defenders of the second base, and have defeated them after a time of heavy battling. The western naga camp is then utterly burnt down to ruins by the demons and fel orcs. Mephistroth and Kargath have successfully conquered another one of the naga encampments on the outskirts of the Black Citadel, whilst losing only several numbers of warriors. Upon claiming the victory over the second naga camp, the forces of the Legion head for the last naga base on the outskirts of the Black Citadel. Located to the north, the last naga camp used to be the site of the base of the now deceased Fel Orc Blademaster Mizgill.

Kargath: "This has been very satisfying! These serpents of Illidan proved to be quite worthy foes! But it is time that we shatter all of the naga encampments over this region, and claim our victory!"

Mephistroth: "Don't be so hasty, Bladefist. It won't be long now before Illidan and his majordomos discover everything that is going on, and make their way from the thick walls of the Black Citadel."

Kargath: "I am eager to meet Illidan once again, and let him know of his own inevitable downfall!"

Eventually reaching the last camp base located on the north of the region, Mephistroth and Kargath lead their army in a fierce battle against the last of the naga defenders within the region. Built with great defensive fortifications, the naga warriors within the third camp make a last stand against the demons and fel orcs. The forces of the Legion battle the naga defenders for a while, and eventually are able defeat them. The demons and fel orcs then decimated the whole naga camp down to ruins. Successfully conquering the last naga base within the region, Mephistroth and Kargath have finally claimed the overall victory, whilst losing only moderate numbers of warriors during the war battle.

Kargath: "We have finally done it, dreadlord! Victory is ours! The snakes have all been destroyed! We have conquered this region from Illidan's forces! This marks our domination in these lands!"

Mephistroth: "I sense that Kazzak has also succeeded on his mission against the elves. Within just a matter of days, it seems we have already made an impact. This bodes well to our plans, Bladefist."

Kargath: "Indeed, and I cannot wait to rid Outland of Illidan and all his paltry minions for good!"

Mephistroth: "We still have a lot of things to achieve before we could call for our complete victory on Outland. Despite our early success, we still cannot hope to defeat Illidan and his standing armies as of yet. Seeing all the dimensional gateways around this place now completely sealed and ruined, Illidan did a great job in securing his reign and overthrowing the Legion's grasp over Outland. We have to play along with things smoothly to utilize the efficiency of our attacks against our enemies. Illidan shall surely come and try to stop us and many of our forces will fall, but so long as we move accordingly to our plans, nothing that our enemies can do would stop us from reclaiming Outland."

Kargath: "By all means, lead on for our next task. My warriors and I are more than ready to fight!"

Mephistroth: "I must meet up with Kazzak first, for there is an important matter that we must speak off. Then, we shall move on for our next crucial mission. This war is about to take on a new level."

Kargath: "Very well then. I will stay behind for a time to secure the place. Our warriors have been very pleased by our success with the naga that they crave for more battle. Perhaps I should let them pay visit to our old draenei friends in the west of this region? Illidan and his lieutenants are sure to come at us from the Black Citadel soon. I would relish this chance to meet him again at this time!"

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