The Fires Spread

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Mephistroth uses his magical powers to teleport himself away and meet-up with Lord Kazzak, who just also led his own warriors in defeating the blood elven forces upon the border region of Hellfire Peninsula. On the other hand, Kargath stays behind on the outskirts of the Black Citadel, and sends a force of demons and fel orcs to destroy the old draenei town located on the southwestern area of the region, where Akama used to battle their armies upon helping Illidan in closing the dimensional gateways around the region. With Mephistroth now gone to meet with Kazzak, Kargath awaits for the soon expected coming of Illidan from the Black Citadel to directly confront him face-to-face. Later in the evening at that day, Kargath receives a report that Illidan and his naga witch lieutenant, Lady Vashj, have finally arrived, and have retaken the site of the third naga base. Seeing the chance to finally confront Illidan once again, Kargath assembles a group of demon warriors, consisting of bloodfiends and hellhounds, and bring them along with him towards the new camp of Illidan. Upon arriving at the newly reestablished naga base, Kargath directly speaks with Illidan and Lady Vashj.

Kargath: "Hello again, elf demon!"

Illidan: "Kargath! So you decided to show up after all, traitor! Tell me, are you really that eager to face your deaths? You and these paltry demons should have just told me to finish you all up inside your prisons, instead of giving all your wretched lives a new chance for new glory by serving me."

Kargath: "Glory?! You are not fooling anyone anymore, Illidan! You still think, we do not know about your true intentions?! There has now been a change of plans! You are not going anywhere!"

Vashj: "Foul traitorous mongrels! You shall all pay for what you have done against my warriors!"

Kargath: "Fools! Did you really think you could use us, and have us served as your decoys to the undead?! You nearly fooled us with your schemes of false promises, Illidan, but never again! We shall now crush you instead, and retake our rightful place on Outland! These lands belong to us by right! This dead planet is our world, and we shall reclaim it in the honor of the Burning Legion!"

Illidan: "It would seem that you foul savages, are less of a simpleton and ignorant than I thought. No matter, I shall be finishing what I started here on Outland and destroy you all by myself now! Your demon masters fell by my hands here before, and you shall be soon joining them in death!"

Kargath: "You're just an arrogant fool, Illidan! Your hollow victory over Magtheridon is nothing compare to the true power of the Legion! Lord Kil'jaeden has lost his patience for your failures, your weakness! You have no use to him! Now, it is time for you to taste the wrath of the Legion! Our armies are now destroying your forces beyond this region alone, and soon, we will be taking the Black Citadel back! We shall destroy you, and rule over Outland once again! War is upon you, Illidan! You all may as well try to fight back, but you will only be delaying your inevitable doom!"

Kargath sends the group of demons with him to make an aggressive attack towards the newly built naga base whilst he makes his quick leave away from the base, leaving behind the demons to cover his escape. Satisfied of finally making a direct confrontation with Illidan, Kargath moves away out of sight to catch up with Mephistroth and Kazzak. A few hours later, Kargath finally reunites with both Mephistroth and Kazzak who just finished up discussing an important matter regarding about their next plans against Illidan and his armies that had been instructed for them to do by Kil'jaeden.

Mephistroth: "Ah, Warchief Bladefist. It's good that you had finally arrived. I must admit, we have been pleased by your confrontation with Illidan. Now he knows of what his future holds for him."

Kargath: "Illidan and his forces are now moving against us. They have begun their counterattacks."

Mephistroth: "As expected, they will. But now, it is time for us to continue for our next move. We have finally concluded the plans. Illidan will not know of anything that is soon to come upon him."

Kargath: "What will be our next mission?"

Mephistroth: "You and I will be returning to your former prison dungeons. I just discover of a very important artifact that the draenei possess inside that fortress, the magical Shadowkeys to the inner chamber of the Black Citadel. We will be needing those keys when the time comes that we invade the Black Citadel. We must take it from the draenei and secure our full access to the Black Citadel. I shall be assembling the best of our demon warriors that we will bring with us upon this mission."

Kargath: "Sounds like a plan. I will surely enjoy visiting, and dealing with my old draenei jailors!"

Mephistroth: "Meanwhile, Kazzak here will begin his task of summoning the great Lord Azgoth!"

Kazzak: "With the blood and powers of the night elf demon hunter I have slain, I now possess the sufficient energies to perform the powerful incantations, and summon Azgoth from the nether!"

Kargath: "Tell me. Who is this Azgoth that you both speak off?"

Mephistroth: "Like Mannoroth and Magtheridon, Azgoth is a pit lord, Bladefist. Like Magtheridon before, Azgoth seeks to rule over Outland. Lord Kil'jaeden wishes us to bring him here so that he can help us against Illidan. Things will just about to become easier for us upon this war, Bladefist."

Kargath: "Long ago, Mannoroth gave us true power through his own blood, and Magtheridon had also done the same thing when he rallied us after this world exploded. My warriors and I would be honored to meet this new pit lord that will aid us against Illidan and his minions. When we succeed in reclaiming Outland, we will gladly honor him as the new ruler just as we had for Magtheridon."

All of a sudden at that moment, a shimmering portal appears at the scene and coming out from the portal is none other than Teron Gorefiend. Returning from nether after completing his preparations, Teron now joins along with Kargath, Mephistroth, and Kazzak in their war against Illidan and his forces in Outland. Having grown more powerful than before, the legendary death knight of the old Horde is very eager to unleash his dark terrible powers against the enemies of the Burning Legion.

Teron: "Greetings, my comrades. How goes the war against Illidan and his servants?"

Kargath: "So you return at last, Gorefiend. I thought we would be finishing this war without you."

Teron: "I could not let you have all the fun to yourselves. I too will have my own part of unleashing chaos and death upon the enemies. While all of you had already formed your plans, I shall have a task of my own. I suggest that we attack on two fronts. While you assault the prison fortress, I will lead my own forces to conquer the serpent outposts outside of Zangarmarsh. In that way, we would corner up the serpent forces within the swamplands and cut down a great number of their warriors."

Mephistroth: "Very well, a wise plan, Gorefiend. Once we take the Shadowkeys from the dungeon fortress, we shall march on Zangarmarsh and conquer it. By then, it will be easier for us to do so."

Mephistroth and Kargath muster their own warriors as they will soon head for the dungeon fortress over the Shadowmoon ruins, where the demons and fel orcs used to be imprisoned. Kazzak, on the other hand, returns to their stronghold on the Hellfire Peninsula, where he prepares to summon the demon pit lord Azgoth. Kazzak also assigned the Bleeding Hollow fel orc warlord called as Morkh to watch over the northern borders of Hellfire Peninsula. Teron Gorefiend assembles a force of his own demon and fel orc warriors, and made their way towards the outskirts of Zangarmarsh, to the northwest of Hellfire Peninsula. Arriving upon the outskirts of Zangarmarsh, Teron and his lackeys construct a new base upon a vacant site of a nearby goldmine. Two naga outposts stand within the outside region of Zangarmarsh, and are guarding the pass that leads to the swamps. Within his new camp, Teron assembles a full army of demon and fel orc troops that he shall be leading against the naga forces around the area. Consisting of fel orc grunts, raiders, bloodfiends, hellhounds, and the eredar diabolists, the death knight leads his own army to move against the two naga encampments.

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now