Dark Beginnings

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Having been freed from the dungeon fortress over the Shadowmoon ruins; the demons and fel orcs altogether have been given consideration to establish a new stronghold of their own on the Hellfire Peninsula, just as how the naga and the blood elves established each of their own major strongholds on Outland. Kargath orders the peons from each of the fel orc clans to build a new major settlement of their own as a unified horde in the middle of the Hellfire Peninsula. The surviving demons have also entrench themselves amongst the Fel Horde as part of the army of Kargath. Having assembled all the fel orc clans, and all the remaining demons of Magtheridon into his one large army, Kargath and his forces are now ready for bloodshed and conquest. The demons and fel orcs have once again established themselves in Outland. Illidan readies the armies of the naga, blood elves, draenei, and the demons and fel orcs to set themselves for war upon their planned second invasion of Northrend.

Kargath: "We are free to walk upon these lands once again, my warriors! Illidan promised us of a new chance for conquest and vengeance. Nothing shall get on our way in our path for a new glory!"

One evening, at the new settlement of the demons and fel orcs on Hellfire Peninsula; a shimmering portal suddenly channels out right outside of the camp. With the sudden appearance of the mystical portal; Kargath assumes that Illidan would have come out from the portal to check on them, but to his surprise, it was a dreadlord instead that came out of the portal. The dreadlord is none other than Mephistroth, one of the most powerful dreadlords known, ranking as the third among his own kind. Closing the shimmering portal behind him, the dreadlord directly approaches the fel orc warchief. Presenting himself to Kargath, Mephistroth introduces himself as he begins to speak with Kargath.

Kargath: "What?! Who the?! A dreadlord?!"

Mephistroth: "Greetings, Kargath Bladefist. My name is Mephistroth, and I have come to see you."

Kargath: "To see me? What is it you want from me, dreadlord? And where did you come from? I have never seen you here on Outland before, and I also know that you are not a servant of Illidan."

Mephistroth: "No, I am not. I serve only the Legion, and I have come in behalf of Lord Kil'jaeden."

Kargath: "What?! Kil'jaeden?! But how?! Why?!"

Mephistroth: "I am here to bring you and all of your warriors back into the fold, Bladefist. Though Magtheridon had already been defeated, you shall now fight for the Legion once more! Altogether, we shall conquer all our enemies, and you shall rule over these rightful lands of yours once again."

Kargath: "But Illidan now rules over Outland. He freed us from our prisons, and promised us of a new glory and conquest beyond this dead world against the traitor, Ner'zhul, who left us all to die in this planet that he had ruined. Illidan told us that we can finally get our revenge upon Ner'zhul."

Mephistroth: "Fateful as it sounds; you are nothing more, but a means to end on his plans, Kargath. Illidan is no different to Ner'zhul. He too is a traitor; the Betrayer, as many have called him. It was Lord Kil'jaeden who made Ner'zhul into the powerful commander of dead that he is now, but just like how he did to all of you in this world, he betrayed Kil'jaeden by defying him and breaking the pact that bonded him to Kil'jaeden's will. For his treason; Lord Kil'jaeden asked Illidan to destroy Ner'zhul for him for price to be granted. However, Illidan had failed in his sworn task upon all the chances that was given to him. For now, Illidan intends to have you all fight the undead armies of Ner'zhul in Azeroth, but he intends to abandon you in the fight so he could rid of you all and claim the entire Outland for himself. Trust me, Lord Kil'jaeden and I know of this schemes of his well."

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ