New Preparations

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The shimmering portal created by Teron for his escape leads him within the dungeon fortress over the Shadowmoon ruins, which Mephistroth and Kargath have conquered only recently. The prison dungeon is now overrun with demons and many of the draenei jailors were killed, while some who are still alive have been imprisoned. Arriving within the prison dungeons, Teron reunites with both Mephistroth and Kargath, who successfully took the Shadowkeys, and are now keeping watch over the newly imprisoned Akama. Both Mephistroth and Kargath know all about the meeting of Teron with Kil'jaeden regarding the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, and his recent encounter against Illidan and his majordomos. Mephistroth, Kargath, and Teron begin to discuss their next plans on Outland.

Mephistroth: "Ah, Gorefiend! We are pleased that you came. It would seem that things did not end up well for you out there. As expected, Illidan and his lieutenants are not easy as to be dealt with."

Teron: "Curse him and his lackeys! Just when things were about to become more interesting in the battle, the elven prince came to ruin my chances to take out Illidan and his snake witch lieutenant."

Mephistroth: "Suffice to say, you were able to destroy his naga army in your battle, with the powers of that staff you wield. However, Illidan and his majordomos are no ordinary warriors, Gorefiend."

Teron: "Yes. I sensed the great strength and power in them. I would relish the chance to face Illidan again, and destroy him with my own dark powers, after which, I can also bring his minions down."

Mephistroth: "It seems that fate is with you, Gorefiend. Apparently, your rematch wish with Illidan might just happened. I have a feeling that Illidan and his forces already know that we invaded these dungeons, and they will come after us. Unfortunately, Kargath and I are set to move on to our next plan, as we have already took what we needed from here. You can remain here and watch over the prisoners, while waiting for the arrival of Illidan and his forces. Something tells me that deep inside Illidan, he would desire to fight you. A death knight like you should remind him of his own failures. For the time being, I am sure that you would be pleased seeing again our all too familiar prisoners."

Looking upon the nearby magically sealed prison cage, Teron discovers a battered draenei standing within the cell. The draenei is none other than the Elder Sage Akama, who was just recently beaten by Mephistroth and Kargath. Though currently weak and injured, Akama looks outside of his cell, and quickly recognizes the death knight. Remembering him as one of the powerful warlocks of the Shadow Council before being turned into the fearsome death knight by Gul'dan, Akama is shocked on seeing Teron Gorefiend still existing, after all this time he thought the death knight had perished.

Teron: "Well, what do we have here? Ah yes, I remember now. An old pathetic draenei sage."

Akama: "Gorefiend?! Teron Gorefiend! No! It cannot be! But how is this even possible?!"

Teron: "Seeing you battered and imprisoned like this, reminds me of the old days before this world exploded. The times that we have been hunting down your wretched people, and imprisoning you if you were lucky to be even considered as a prisoner that is. I heard that you have become a servant of Illidan. Well, this should be even more interesting. Your new master would surely come in here soon and save the day, but then, I shall face him and defeat him right in front your very eyes! After which, I will then proceed in finishing the rest of his lieutenants and that will include you, Akama!"

Mephistroth: "Alright, Gorefiend. We shall be leaving you in charge of things here. Kargath and I must return to our stronghold, and make the preparations for the reactivation of the last dimensional gateway. It won't be long, soon we shall be calling upon countless reinforcements from the nether. We are about to invade Zangarmarsh, and take the magical fountain shrine of the naga that we will be needing to reactivate the last gateway in Hellfire Peninsula. Once we succeed in doing so, then our victory on Outland is assured, and as of now, we have all the advantage in this war, Gorefiend."

Teron: "Very well, Mephistroth. I am sure that invading Zangarmarsh shall be quite easier now. I have already conquered the outskirts of the swamplands. Feel free to finish up what I have started."

Mephistroth: "Indeed. But first, we must return to Hellfire Peninsula. I sense that Kazzak is almost finished in his summoning ritual. Azgoth will be arriving on Outland soon. We must see to it then. Lord Kil'jaeden's plan is working perfectly. The great pit lord will arrive here on a timely manner."

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now