Agents of Hell

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All of a sudden, at that moment, another shimmering portal channels out at the scene, not far from where Kargath and Mephistroth are standing. From within the shimmering portal comes out a dark hooded figure, wielding a mystical jeweled truncheon and is mounted on a skeletal horse. Kargath is utterly shocked on seeing the dark mysterious man as he instantly recognizes the hooded creature on the skeletal mount. The hooded man is none other than the legendary and first ever death knight created by Gul'dan, Teron Gorefiend. He who had fought alongside Kargath against the armies of the Alliance Expedition almost twenty years ago under the Horde formed by Ner'zhul on Draenor.

Teron: "Greetings to you, Kargath Bladefist. It has been a long time."

Kargath: "Gorefiend! Teron Gorefiend! So you have survived after all! How was it possible?"

Teron: "After all these years, I have return to wreak havoc and destruction upon all those who wish to taste my powers! Lord Kil'jaeden sent me back to rid of all his enemies and vanquish those who stand against the Legion! Once again, we shall fight alongside upon a glorious war, Kargath. After years I spent in the nether, I shall now test my new powers that were granted by Lord Kil'jaeden."

Kargath: "All these time, I thought you had already perished when this world exploded, Gorefiend. Now, it is time to unleash our old strength back! It is time that we divide and conquer once again!"

Teron: "By the commands of Lord Kil'jaeden, this Illidan, and his minions shall be put to an end!"

Mephistroth: "We will be conducting the final preparations needed. Bladefist, ready all our forces! At twilight, two days from now, we shall unleash our full massive assault against Illidan's armies."

Kargath: "What about Illidan? Will he not suspect anything? What if he and his lieutenants come?"

Mephistroth: "They won't. Illidan is taking his time on recovering from his grievous injuries in his last battle against the Scourge, and his armies are regathering their strength. We have the advantage upon our side even before this war begins. Illidan and his forces have no idea of what is coming."

Kargath: "Very well then! Our warriors shall be more than prepared for our onslaught! Meanwhile, I shall be having my peons fortify the defenses of the stronghold for the protection of this gateway."

At that moment, Mephistroth channels another shimmering portal to the Twisting Nether with both him and Teron Gorefiend going through it, and then closing in behind them. Kargath returns to his own encampment and begins his operations of further strengthening its defenses, ensuring the pass leading to the dimensional gateway would be blocked off, and be protected by his own stronghold. Kargath assembles the army of the demons and fel orcs, and prepares them for the soon upcoming open war against Illidan and his forces on Outland. With the plans now in motion, Kargath and his warriors only await for the return of Mephistroth and Teron Gorefiend for them to spark the battle.

Two days later, at the early dawn on the barren plains of Hellfire Peninsula, the whole encampment of the demons and fel orcs is now thoroughly expanded, and fortified with tough defenses. Multiple small outposts have also been built around various areas on Hellfire Peninsula. Securing the safety of the dimensional gateway in the eastern foothills, the entire barren plains of the Hellfire Peninsula is now the capital of the demons and fel orcs on Outland. At this time, a shimmering portal appears outside the main demonic stronghold. Coming out from the portal is Mephistroth, and with him is yet another powerful demon; a doomlord known as Kazzak, the Lord of the Doom Guard demons.

Mephistroth: "Hello again, Bladefist. Today, we unleash chaos against Illidan and his minions! I'd assume that everything has been prepared for the attack. Gorefiend has still some things to tend to. However, joining us here in this war is the almighty Kazzak, the supreme lord of the doom guards."

Kazzak: "Lord Kil'jaeden sent me to crush the mongrel Illidan and all his pathetic servitors, and I shall gladly do so! I am going to start off with those weakling blood elves just beyond the borders!"

Mephistroth: "Very well then, Kazzak. You handle those elven outposts beyond the borders of this region, while Bladefist and I will assault the naga camps on the outskirts of the Black Citadel."

Kargath: "So be it. The plans are set. Let us get into it! Now is the time for wrath and conquest!"

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now