Powers of Death and Flame

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Meanwhile, at the northern borders of Hellfire Peninsula, Illidan and Lady Vashj have just finished destroying the bases of the demons and fel orcs. First conquered by the Lord Kazzak and his forces from the blood elves, the doomlord assigned Warlord Morkh of the Bleeding Hollow Clan to watch over the region. However, Illidan and his naga recently attacked the area, and slain Morkh and his warriors. Teron Gorefiend, who just received the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras from Kil'jaeden, has returned from the nether, and is now in their stronghold in the Hellfire Peninsula. Seeing the chance to finally use his powerful weapon and challenge Illidan in a fight, Teron assembles a group of his demons to command, which consist of bloodfiends, hellhounds, eredar diabolists, and voidwalkers.

The death knight channels a shimmering portal leading to the northern border of Hellfire Peninsula where Illidan and Lady Vashj are standing from their fresh victory. Teron leads his demon warriors to cross through the shimmering portal. The other end of portal appears right in front of Illidan and Lady Vashj. Coming out first from the portal are the demons, and of which, the death knight comes out last and closes the shimmering portal behind him. Upon finally meeting Illidan Stormrage and his lieutenant Lady Vashj for the first time; Teron begins to speak, and introduces himself to them.

Teron: "Greetings to you all."

Illidan: "You! I know who you are! You are Teron! The death knight of old, Teron Gorefiend!"

Teron: "I see my legendary reputation proceeds me. Yes; it is I, the mighty and powerful, Teron Gorefiend. The very first of all the death knights in existence. Glad to make an acquaintance... I suppose you are the one they call as Illidan Stormrage, the new ruler of Outland. Are you not?"

Illidan: "Yes! The one who defeated Magtheridon, and is now, the lord and master of Outland."

Teron: "I know many things about you, especially of what I heard from my master. It appears that he may have overestimated you. By the looks of you now; you don't seem to be that threatening."

Illidan: "Watch your foul rotting tongue, death knight! I actually know more about you than what you heard of me from Kargath! And you do not impress me with your petty little reputation with the Horde many years ago. Like Magtheridon and the Horde of Draenor; you are just an old relic. A restless ghost from a bygone era. The future is mine now, and I reign supreme over this land!"

Teron: "Do not be so overconfident just because of your hollow victory over Magtheridon. Your meaningless reign over Outland will soon end, for we shall soon retake our rightful lands! In the name of my all-powerful master, Lord Kil'jaeden, you will all soon burn by the flames of death."

Illidan: "I shall put an end to your foul reek of death, Gorefiend! You'll regret approaching me!"

Teron instantly commands his demonic minions to attack Illidan and his naga army. A fierce war battle occurs between the two opposing forces. While the Lady Vashj and the naga would focus on wiping out the demons; Illidan intends to slay Gorefiend himself. Despite being outnumbered by the naga led by Illidan and Lady Vashj; Teron Gorefiend has his full confidence on the battle. Right then; the death knight begins to use his old powerful deadly spells against the naga forces. Teron bolsters his own troops by raising the corpses of the fallen demons and naga warriors upon the battlefield into a bunch of skeleton warriors. Commanding the undead skeletons in battle; the death knights casts a powerful spell of Death and Decay causing some aphotic, swirling clouds to rot and decompose anything within a large area. The devastating spell of Gorefiend harms a vast number of demons and naga warriors alike. Seeing such chaos and death in the fierce battlefield; Illidan rallies his standing naga troops to push on defeating Gorefiend and his remaining demons.

After channeling the spell of Death and Decay; Teron Gorefiend casts his most powerful spell of Whirlwind on the battlefield. The dangerous focusing of the winds of the underworld causes any being within to be cast about with great force and violence. The deadly uncontrollable wind spell quickly kills the lot of the standing demon and naga warriors, leaving only few fighting warriors alive in the battlefield. Seeing the effects of his powerful spells; Teron Gorefiend felt satisfaction upon unleashing chaos and havoc upon his enemies. The death knight channels what is left of his energy derived from his necromantic powers, and casts a spell of Death Coil upon the few standing naga warriors, killing it all in the process. The energies of the Death Coil by Teron instantly drains the life-force of anyone casted by it, and quickly replenishes the strength of the death knight itself.

Teron: "This scepter truly is amazing! My spells are more powerful than before! It seems like only yesterday when we claim this from the tomb. I was fool of ever giving this to Ner'zhul back then."

Illidan: "This battle is not yet over, Gorefiend! Soon, I will put an end to your wretched existence!"

All of a sudden, on a rather unfortunate timing for Teron, Prince Kael arrives at the scene through the use of a magic staff of teleportation. The blood elf prince comes to aid his master against Teron. With the sudden unexpected arrival of Kael; the scales instantly turned against Teron. Coming out from within the magical vortex of the teleportation portal; Prince Kael channels his magic energies, and casts his Flame Strike spell, conjuring a pillar of fire upon the ground where Teron is standing. Surprised by the sudden arrival and instant assault of the elven prince; Teron Gorefiend was caught unguarded, and had been severely burned from the Flame Strike spell conjured by the Blood Mage.

Kael: "By fire be purged!"

Vashj: "Kael!"

Teron: "Aarrghh!!! Damn you! This isn't over yet! You shall all soon burn by the flames of death!"

Having been in a heavy battle against the naga army, and being roughly harmed by a direct hit of Flame Strike; Teron Gorefiend quickly channels a magical shimmering portal, and makes a quick escape through it, leaving his few standing demonic minions behind to be killed by Illidan, Kael, and Vashj as a diversion for his escape. The sudden unexpected arrival of Prince Kael forced the death knight to retreat, giving the easy advantage to Illidan and Vashj to finish up all the demons. Despite being able to wipe out the whole naga forces of Illidan and Vashj with his dreadful powers boosted by the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, Teron was forced to retreat in defeat due to unexpected coming of Prince Kael helping Illidan and Lady Vashj in the battle. Even with the great staff in his hand, Teron would not have been able to defeat Illidan, Lady Vashj, and Prince Kael all by himself.

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now