The Demon Tyrant

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Mephistroth channels a shimmering portal that leads back to their stronghold in Hellfire Peninsula. Mephistroth and Kargath cross through the portal, leaving behind Teron to watch over the recently conquered dungeon fortress over the Shadowmoon ruins. Upon returning to the Hellfire Peninsula, Mephistroth and Kargath quickly went to see Kazzak, who is the process of finishing his ritual of summoning the pit lord Azgoth to Outland. Having able to perform the mystical ritual without any interference, the doomlord is able to focus his powers upon summoning the pit lord without pauses.

Kazzak: "I can feel his great strength and power! He is so close to coming here. Soon now, he shall step into these lands and aid us conquer our enemies. The next ruler for Outland is about to arrive!"

It did not take any much longer time until Kazzak finally completes his magical summoning ritual. Upon finishing the spell, the doomlord steps out of the circle of power that he had been using upon the ritual. A portal rift connecting from the Twisting Nether slowly appears right above the circle. Seeing the success of the dark spell ritual channeled by Kazzak, Mephistroth is pleased that the pit lord Azgoth is about to join with the rest of them on Outland. At that moment, the great demon pit lord Azgoth comes out from the portal rift, and officially steps foot onto Outland. The rift instantly closes on the arrival of the pit lord. Azgoth, the final demon agent of Kil'jaeden, is now on Outland.

Azgoth: "Yes! I have come to these lands at last! With it, things will about to change around here! You have all done well in executing Lord Kil'jaeden's plan to this world. And with me here, I will now partake in this war and wipe out all the enemies of the Burning Legion! Then after it is all set and done, I shall claim these lands and become its next ruler, just as what Magtheridon did before!"

Mephistroth: "Hail mighty Azgoth. We welcome you to Outland, where our war against the being known as Illidan and his forces is in the process. Currently, we have the advantage in this war, and with you finally arriving here, I may as well say that we have secured our victory over these lands."

Azgoth: "Indeed. I am so eager to meet and crush those who failed and betrayed Lord Kil'jaeden!"

Mephistroth: "And you shall do so, Azgoth. While we have already accomplished many things in this war, there is still much left to do. Far to the northwest of this region lies the swamplands called as Zangarmarsh. Within that wetlands stands the capital of our serpent enemies known as the naga, the servitors of our main enemy, Illidan. The naga possess a fountain pool, which contains magical waters that serve as the source of their strength and powers. We need to conquer Zangarmarsh and claim the shrine for us to use its mystical waters in reactivating the last dimensional gateway. After which, we could finally call straight up for reinforcements from the nether to increase our armies."

Azgoth: "Very well then. Sounds like a well thought-out plan. Leave that mission to me, dreadlord. I shall lead my own warriors towards those marshlands, and destroy all the enemy forces in there."

Mephistroth: "For that matter, you will not be alone to lead the army. I would like to introduce you to Kargath Bladefist, the legendary chieftain of the Shattered Hand Clan and now, the warchief of the fel orcs. He has been a loyal servant and great commander of Magtheridon. Now, he comes to pledge himself to you, knowing that you shall be the next ruler of Outland when we win this war."

Azgoth: "So you are the almighty veteran fel orc warchief that I heard from Kil'jaeden. Very well."

Kargath: "My brethren and I are honored to offer our services to your will, Lord Azgoth, the next Lord of Outland. In the name of the Legion, we are ready to fight by your commands to the death!"

Azgoth: "Very well then. I guarantee you that we shall win this war, and your people will have the power and glory when we defeat our enemies. Nothing shall stand against us, Warchief Bladefist!"

Mephistroth: "It seems that things are all set for us to do our next move. While you two would lead our warriors to conquer Zangarmarsh, Kazzak and I shall make all the preparations needed for the reactivation of the last dimensional gateway, and for our other plans that we must accomplished."

Azgoth and Kargath assemble a force of demon and fel orc warriors, and head towards the outskirts of Zangarmarsh. Mephistroth and Kazzak remain in Hellfire Peninsula to make the preparation for their other plans, and also further secure the defenses of their stronghold. The forces of the Legion are now on their next move, and are about to execute their long awaited plan of invading the region of Zangarmarsh with their intentions of claiming the mystical pool of the naga. The war on Outland continues with the forces of the Legion pressing on their invasions against Illidan and his armies.

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora