The Secret Gate

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Kargath: "Come, my warriors! Let us find that gate quickly, and be done with this mission! Do not hesitate to slaughter anyone or anything that may stand against us, especially those paltry draenei!"

Kargath and his warriors scoured through various areas of the red desolate plains on the search for the last gateway until they discovered a short path that leads to a somewhat hidden area to the east. Not long after, upon reaching an isolated region in the foothills in the east, Kargath and his warriors finally found the last remaining dimensional gateway of Ner'zhul. The gate remains to be inactive and yet completely intact. Near the gateway is the small draenei village that Mephistroth spoke of. Within the village are some residing draenei watchers and harbingers that safeguard the gate. There are also a few blood elven swordsmen within the village serving as scouts and additional watchmen to the gate in Hellfire Peninsula. Seeing their chance to claim the gateway, Kargath wastes no time and quickly leads his troops to assault the draenei town. The unsuspecting draenei and blood elves have been surprised by the sudden attack of the recently freed demons and fel orcs led by Kargath.

Kargath: "Time to spill blood once more! Slay all these foolish mongrels in honor for the Legion!"

Draenei Watcher: "What?! The cursed demons and fel orcs are attacking! Defend yourselves!"

Blood Elf Swordsman: "The prisoners have betrayed us! We must inform Lord Illidan about this!"

Kargath: "None of you wretches will escape alive! We shall slaughter you all and burn this pathetic village to the ground! We shall take that dimensional gateway for ourselves one way or another!"

Kargath and his warriors battle against the combined forces of draenei and the blood elven warriors within the small village. After a while later of fierce battling, Kargath and his warriors successfully conquered their enemies. Kargath succeeded in the first phase of his mission to slay all of the town guards without letting a single enemy troop escape. All of the draenei and blood elven troops were slain, with Kargath losing only few numbers of his demon and fel orc warriors. The draenei village had been utterly razed down. Upon successfully claiming the victory, Kargath and his companions finally approaches the nearby last dimensional gateway of Ner'zhul. As of now, Kargath succeeded upon secretly claiming the gate without letting Illidan or any of his high lieutenants discover them.

Kargath: "Spilling the blood of these pitiful draenei again is utterly satisfying, and the elves, I have not faced them in a long time, not since before this world exploded. We are surely to fight and slay more soon, but for now, what matters is that the last dimensional gateway have finally been found!"

At that moment, a shimmering portal suddenly appears in front of the gateway. Within the mystical portal comes out none other than the dreadlord Mephistroth. Witnessing the success of Kargath in obliterating the draenei village and finding the last gateway, Mephistroth returns from the Twisting Nether just as he had told Kargath before. Closing the shimmering portal behind him, the dreadlord begins to speak the fel orc warchief to inform him about their next move against Illidan on Outland.

Mephistroth: "Excellent work, Bladefist. The last dimensional gateway of Ner'zhul is now found."

Kargath: "Yes, and now, you can reopen the portal to bring more demon warriors here on Outland."

Mephistroth: "Unfortunately, I cannot do such at this moment. Reactivating the dormant rift of the portal requires a great deal of magic energy. The artifacts that Ner'zhul have collected and used to open his gateways years ago are long gone, but there is more than one way to open rifts to the other dimensions. With a boost of power from a fount of ley energy, we can reopen the rift on this gate."

Kargath: "And where shall ever we find such powerful source of energy here in this dead world?"

Mephistroth: "This is where our war against Illidan and his forces shall officially begin, Bladefist. Apparently, the naga serpents of Illidan have recently created a fountain shrine within their capital in Zangarmarsh. The pool contains mystical waters that serve as their source of strength and power. If we claim the shrine for ourselves, the powers within the waters could give us all the energies we need to reactivate the gate. But before we could invading Zangarmarsh, we must first crush all the outlying camps and other major bastions of Illidan's armies on Outland. After which can we march upon Zangarmarsh, and claim the mystical fountain to ourselves. The plans are now set, Bladefist."

Kargath: "Yes! Finally, the real action begins! This will be a glorious war and a bloody conquest!"

Mephistroth: "There are others sent by Lord Kil'jaeden that will aid us in this war. One of them is now on his way to join us in here. I am sure you would be pleased to see your old colleague again."

Kargath: "Old colleague? What are you talking about, dreadlord?"

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 - Rise of the Flames (Demon Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now