Reclamations on Outland

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Kargath: "Damn it! Our entire bastion has fallen, and the gate that we have long worked for is now closed permanently! Illidan and his minions have won here, despite the best set of our defenses!"

Azgoth: "A shame, and I thought Kazzak would be able to hold the line and destroy our enemies."

Mephistroth: "Impressive, I must say for Illidan. With him being able to defeat Kazzak even at his present dire state, but his strength and powers are fading quicker with every battle. Illidan is getting weaker by every moment, and his armies are now thinned upon all the battles we had against him."

Azgoth: "Then I say, now is the time that we put an end to Illidan and his forces once and for all!"

Mephistroth: "Agreed. Despite the loss of Kazzak, we still have the advantage. Our forces are vast. Illidan might have thought that he had already ended the war by claiming the victory here, but now we will show him that he is wrong. I think it is time that we finally meet him out here in the open."

Sensing the location of the naga camp upon Hellfire Peninsula, the forces of the Legion made their way towards the base in order to face Illidan, who just withdrawn in there shortly before. Not long after; Azgoth, Mephistroth, and Kargath finally reached the naga base in Hellfire Peninsula. Within the camp is none other than Illidan himself, who just recovered from another crippling seizure and is being tended by his naga witch lieutenant Lady Vashj. Upon finally seeing Illidan, the forces of the Legion positioned themselves ready for a war battle outside the naga base. The Pit Lord Azgoth lets out his loud ominous laughter that instantly caught the attention of both Illidan and Lady Vashj. Fronting up first, the dreadlord Mephistroth and his own vast detachment of demons have revealed themselves in the open as they confront Illidan and Lady Vashj from outside the naga encampment. Upon facing the enemies, Mephistroth begins to speak as he quickly sensed the dire state of Illidan.

Mephistroth: "It seems that the dark curse on your body is now slowly killing you from within. I have been watching you, demon hunter. At this time, I suppose you already know who I am."

Illidan: "Mephistroth! So we meet at last, dreadlord!"

Mephistroth: "I have come in behalf of Lord Kil'jaeden to finish you and your lapdogs once and for all! You are nothing more, but a weakling failure, Stormrage! Soon now; the Burning Legion shall once again rule over Outland, and your petty little vainglorious reign shall come to an end!"

Illidan: "It is you who shall soon fall, dreadlord! You and all of these vile minions of yours!"

Mephistroth: "Is that so?! While I commend your efforts; your hollow victories are meaningless! Compare to everything you had faced so far, you have no idea of the true horrors that await you."

Vashj: "What the?!"

At that very moment; two vast armies arrived within both sides of Mephistroth's forces. The first army is none other than the Fel Horde led by Warchief Kargath Bladefist himself who has finally shown up once again after all these time. The other army is yet another vast force of demons that is being led by a strong and powerful Pit Lord called Azgoth. Illidan and Lady Vashj are heavily outnumbered and surrounded by the combined armies of the demons and fel orcs led by Kargath, Azgoth, and Mephistroth. The demons and fel orcs are dressed for war as they stand upon a short distance outside the naga base. Upon openly showing themselves to Illidan and his naga; Kargath and Azgoth began to reveal everything about their true intentions and their next plan for Outland.

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