Unfinished War

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Meanwhile back on the last dimensional gateway of Ner'zhul, Kazzak prepares himself to face up with Illidan in defense of the gate. In a rather unfortunate turn of events, Illidan and his naga army have just obliterated the main stronghold of the demons and fel orcs on Hellfire Peninsula, and are now planning to permanently seal the last dimensional gateway. Despite the great number increase of the demons upon Hellfire Peninsula, Illidan and his forces were still somehow able to defeat the vast numbers of demon and fel orc warriors on their stronghold. With the destruction of their main bastion on Outland, Kazzak strongly stands alone and is guarding the last dimensional gateway of Ner'zhul. Not long after, Kazzak is finally met by the naga witch Lady Vashj and the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage himself. Upon confronting them, Kazzak begins to directly speak with Illidan.

Illidan: "So, doomlord, I would presume that you are also another one of the agents of Kil'jaeden!"

Kazzak: "Yes, we meet at last! I am Kazzak, the Lord of the Doom Guards, and a high commander of the Legion armies! I was sent here by Lord Kil'jaeden to put an end to all of you! The Burning Legion shall once more reign over Outland! All of you shall fall as the flames of doom rises! We destroyed many of your forces, including your best lieutenants! Soon, the rest of you shall die as they did! I issue a challenge to you alone, Illidan Stormrage! Come and face me alone, weakling! Lord Kil'jaeden shall be pleased, as I would claim the honor of killing you by my very own blade!"

Illidan: "Foolish paltry doomlord! I rule over Outland, and I shall not fall to the Legion! You and your masters have no hold over me! A pathetic demon such as you will not defeat me! Let us see how confident you will be once you get a taste my true powers, Kazzak! None may challenge me!"

Kazzak: "Arrogant words! I shall destroy you, just as I did with your petty demon hunter follower!"

Illidan: "Vashj, I need you to reassemble our forces! I will deal with this wretched demon myself!"

Vashj: "Of course, Lord Illidan. I shall get to it then. Do make a short work of him, master."

Illidan and Kazzak aggressively clash against one another in what ought to be an epic one-on-one fight. The doomlord proves himself to be not only tough foe in terms of his own strength, but also powerful in his magic. Kazzak casts a powerful spell of Firebolt upon Illidan, which hurled a fiery harmful bolt on the demon hunter. The doomlord then casts his magical Frenzy spell upon himself, which instantly increases his own speed on attacking and moving. Illidan answers back at Kazzak by sending a bolt of Mana Burn to the doomlord. The demon hunter also engulfs his own body in flames upon casting his Immolation spell. Illidan and Kazzak continue their vicious attacks against one another in terms of both physical combat and magical spells. Illidan uses his ultimate spell of Metamorphosis, which transforms him into a large black fiery demon imbued with chaotic powers. Kazzak casts his dark spell of Cripple on Illidan, which magically causes his muscles to spasm and quake. However, the magic effect of the Cripple did not last long upon the metamorphosed Illidan.

Seeing the full powers of the demon hunter; Kazzak realizes that he underestimated Illidan. With the powerful chaotic demon form of Illidan; the demon hunter easily dominates the doomlord on their one-on-one fight. Kazzak is a very strong and powerful demon as he is the lord of the entire doom guard race, and an elite agent of Kil'jaeden. However, Kazzak is now being overwhelm by the might and power of Illidan. After a time of intense fighting against the demon hunter; Kazzak has become very weak and heavily wounded as he is also drained out of his mana energies due to the spells his cast, and the bolts of Mana Burn he received. Defeat is upon Kazzak, as Illidan has the overall upper hand in their battle. The nearly dying doomlord now stands defenseless against the demon hunter. Illidan delivers a last vicious attack upon Kazzak with his warblades, as a killing strike to the demon. The doomlord Kazzak is now dead. Standing triumphant; Illidan successfully destroys the Lord of the Doom Guard demons, and another high-ranked commander of the Legion.

With the destruction of the stronghold in Hellfire Peninsula and the death of Kazzak, the forces of the Legion have just suffered a major loss on the war. With the defeat of the doomlord, Illidan and his naga army proceed on permanently sealing the dimensional gateway, and eventually succeeded in doing so. Like all the other dimensional gateways in Outland before, Illidan was able to seal the last dimensional gateway that stands in Hellfire Peninsula. The forces of the Legion have lost a lot in the war on Outland, but the naga warriors of Illidan have greatly been decreased throughout his many heavy battles against both the forces of the Legion and the Undead Scourge back on Azeroth. In addition to the huge number reduction in the forces of Illidan, he has been suffering a dark curse that came from the Frostmourne in his one-on-one battle against Arthas. The dark curse within the body of Illidan has caused his own strength and powers to be deteriorated, which have only quicken in all his war battles against the forces of the Legion on Outland. Not long after Illidan closed the last dimensional gateway; Azgoth, Mephistroth, and Kargath arrive at the scene with the rest of all their demon and fel orc armies. Upon seeing their stronghold now in ruins, and the gate now closed up indelibly; Azgoth, Mephistroth, and Kargath realize the defeat of Kazzak at the hands of Illidan.

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